I was able to sleep from midnight to six in the morning without waking in distress from my back, so maybe it's going to fizzle away and heal itself. I was able to get out of bed normally, and didn't feel the z-z-zing twinge of pain that radiates from my lower back down my legs until my feet hit the floor and I had to hold myself against the wall for a minute. Standing and shifting doesn't hurt too much, but sitting on a chair is nearly unbearable. Driving my car last night to pick up my daughter, I couldn't push back in the seat and hit the gas pedal at the same time, it hurt too much. I can sit on a softer surface, like a couch, but carefully. I think I may do some serious pacing and stretching today, because sitting isn't really an option. I can't put the baby in her playpen, swing or any contraption near the floor, because I am afraid that once there, I won't be able to scoop her up AND get myself back upright. She's now on the counter next to me in the infant bouncy seat, talking to the kitchen ceiling, where I can pick her up from chest level. I was blaming the pain on the baby, thinking I'd hurt myself while bouncing her the other night, because she was extraordinarily fussy. I'd sat on the edge of my bed and did the "Ssh, ssh, ssh.." and repetitive bouncing because it works, and I felt a twinge. Now, I'm blaming it on my husband, because that same day, he tried (as he often does) to pick me up, literally, like, off the floor. (He doesn't really get that dead-weight lifting 170plus pounds isn't a good idea.) He cracked my spine in that same spot when picking me up, I felt it. So, it's his fault now.
Anyway - no weight today - I made the idiotic mistake of getting on the scale last night after I took a hot hot hot shower to try to help my back. Instant weight regain?! I love seeing a seven pound instant weight change in the wrong direction, and now I'm scared to go back on it. I've eaten extra-well for a few days now, and although real exercise is out of the question, I think I'll be losing very soon. I think I may wait to weigh-in appropriately and post for a few days, since my body is so out of whack?!
7am - Coffee