New Blog Design is From Everyday Mommy!
I've been asked five bajillionty times, "Did you make that? Where can I get one?" Also, because I am using the wee cartoon head as my avatar at Google Talk (talk to me! SN = meltingmamamelted) MySpace, Quixotic WLS + At Obesity Help (where I'm currently a banned member - but All Of My Posts remain intact!) Well, I'm not that talented, I can barely sign my name! I got the blog masthead and new avatar (that really scares me because it does look like me, and is motivating, 'cuz I can't grow another chin) from Everyday Mommy. Go see her to make YOU a new blog design. I am a picklehead, and will probably have her make me ANOTHER one within three months, because, I'm like that. I will be a repeat customer. So, go see Jules at Everyday Mommy + Everyday Design and tell her "Melting Mama" sent you.