Houston, we have a...
It's sick, isn't it? I've been waiting for this day for years. I have been waiting for my saggy ass, drooping, cottage cheese less-full-of-fat-butstill-chubby skin to fold and rash for a Very Long Time.
The summer before last at this same time, Bob was out in the midwest doing a conversion for his bank - and I was out walking, moving, trying to lose the weight (I can't recall, but I think I was about 159 lbs. in summer of 2005, just after getting to my lowest of about 150ish for one day.) My body was as small as it had ever been as an adult that summer, and my skin was just slightly less disfigured as it is now.
I went for an abdominoplasty consultation, where I was told that I would get really good results, but... alas, insurance won't cover it if "You don't have a documented rash." The doc sent me home with financing options and I came home and pouted, because, I'm not a car. I can't validate financing my body. What happens if it breaks down?! There's no insurance to cover the loss of Beth. (Well, there is - but... I'm sure there's an exclusion for death by tummy tuck.)
I think that was also the precipitating factor in my blogging more - I thought I could blog my way to getting the excess skin removed. I thought I would find ways to earn the money myself, instead of taking out a line of credit. In retrospect, it's probably a good thing that I chose not to take out that loan, because - what happened?! I was fired from my job and I got pregnant in that same year. Had I gone through with the surgery - I'd have split my belly open! (Uh, can that happen?!) I would have exploded, and would not have had any money to pay the bill for the initial procedure anyways!
So, in the realm of TMI: I have a rash! Well, one wee one, and another just waiting to happen. My poor belly button has decided it doesn't so much enjoy being folded and hot. I'm not sharing photos - so don't ask. (If I get plastics, you better believe I'll share - I won't be pulling out the goods for such photos, but I will share the belly button.)
As for why I'm just getting rashy now? Well - my body is more droopy this year. Last year I was very pregnant in the summer - and there was no hanging FUPA or pannus. (Yummy!) The year previous to that, I was just freshly "thin" - and stuff didn't hang to my ankles as badly. This year, I'm post-baby, a few pounds different, (168. +10 lbs than two summers ago) and everything is just a bit lower.