Now I can share my moral problem.
Lisa Sargese - A Very Raw Video.

Many swooshes.


  • 165 lbs.


  • 11am:  100 calorie cracker pack (crashing, had to eat something, anything!)
  • 11am-1pm:  Skim milk in latte
  • 2pm:  3 small ground beef meatballs in sauce
  • 2:30pm:  1 ISS Oh Yeah Protein wafer (if only to get the nasty taste of frozen meatballs out of my mouth!  Yuck!)
  • 7pm:  3 small ground beef meatballs in sauce
  • 1/2 Smart Ones Broccoli/Potato thing

So, avoiding what I really want to blog about - saving that for later, perhaps. 

Last night?  I again, had a low blood sugar during sleep.  This is something that is becoming worse, or more noticeable.  It was about 3am, and I woke up - in that dazed brain foggy stupor, and I knew I was low.  I didn't test, because I was in la-la land.  I stumbled up the stairs and started sipping 100% orange juice straight out of the carton  (something, I never do under normal circumstances!)  because I knew I "needed sugar."    I made it back to bed okay - and woke with a headache.

Apparently this has been happening now, in the middle of the night, though I hadn't been waking up.  My husband says that I have woken HIM up several times, to share that, "I need sugar."  I guess I can feel symptomatic during sleep - but not enough to wake up or remember talking?!  Scary.  Last night, I was aware of my symptoms, my hands were tingly, and my whole body was out of whack, I could feel it... I definitely knew it was happening, I just don't know how I woke up easier.

This morning, after grocery shopping, another one - they seem to come in random sets.  I was just finishing up shopping, and it hit me after cashing out and walking to my car - which I parked very far away.  I ate a 100 calorie snack pack of something that was in the bags - and sipped latte with skim milk, and again, it went away. 

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