Now I can share my moral problem.
Remember a few weeks back - that jay oh bee interview? Well, seeing as nothing came of it (that I took on, anyway) I will share. It was a position working directly for an owner of Many! Locations! of a very superdeeduperlarge fast food chain in our area. While I never got to the bottom of what the jay oh bee would actually consist of, I decided not to take it even if offered, because I felt guilty. The first question asked of me at the interviews, was something about "how loyal will you be?" And, alternatively, "who comes first, the company or your family?" Uh. I Can't Answer That? He sprinkled all of the conversations with references to being loyal to the company, working long hours and being one thousand percent there for him and the company. It was all very bizarre, actually. While he did offer me a job, I never gave him an answer. I couldn't.
While the thought of making an actual sized paycheck again was tempting, becoming a silent member of the burger pushing clan made me twitch more than a little. Is it wrong to say that I wouldn't take a jay oh bee for them because I knew I couldn't blog about it? It's partially true! Indirectly promoting fast food seemed so wrong on my part.
As we chatted in the interviews, the topic of nutrition and parenting, etc. came up. He asked, outright, "are we (the corporation) to blame?" I said, "it's generally the parents fault for making bad choices." I dodged my real answers. I felt skeevy sitting there discussing Big Mac politics as a former fat girl who made at least 1-3 meals a week from fast food.
I was somewhat open with him, I mentioned that I was looking into perhaps, some sort of future in nutrition, and that I wrote "posts" about these kind of subjects as a hobby, online. He was intrigued, and wanted to know if I'd consider writing in a positive fashion regarding nutrition, parenting and fast food, in such a way that put a positive light on the happiest of meals. (Go ahead and watch the video about the all-beef patties. Blech.)
Again, feeling guilty, I did not know what to say.
In my mind, I had Michael Moore sitting on one shoulder whispering in my ear, "Do it! Do it! Think of the blog posts from the darkside! Do it!" On the other - Susan Powter, "Eat an organic pear!"
So, no - I did not take the job. I didn't call him back. I couldn't figure out what to say. Does it not figure that the first "real job" interview I find - is for McDonald's Corp.?