Plastic Surgery Complications - Update (again, again..)

This turned out to be a long post about Many Things.

Yesterday's eating wasn't too bad, considering I kept busy ("working") all day.  I nearly crashed once - I felt things going fuzzy, and I drank a protein/fruit shake immediately and it held it off.  I'm hating this in "public."  Poking my finger isn't so much the thing to do whilst making coffee.

look, it's fall.

I have to get ready and go back this afternoon.  I am not looking forward to it.  We have a smallish annoyance there - and it's a very little something that drives ME absolutely bat-poop. 

I think I have realized that I want to work "normal" hours when I find a big-girl job.  What is normal?  Eh, not necessarily 9 to 5 Monday through Friday, but it's probably very close.  I need to be here in the late afternoon/evenings - when the kids are out of school, at very the latest, 5:30pm.  I don't need to be here on weekends, but I WANT to.  The boy has a game today, and I would have liked to go. 

sugar water

Little things like that I will miss if I'm not here on weekends.  I don't know.  I'd feel better about being elsewhere making money if I were making money, if you know what I mean.  Thirty hours of work for one trip to Super-Wal*Mart each Friday.   I'm serious - if I work thirty hours, it's about $230.00.  That's the week.  I buy groceries and household needs, with occasional things like a winter jacket, shoes, bits of clothing, socks, etc, and it's gone.  I'm not making a dent in the bills in any capacity, beyond actually just covering the groceries.  Sure, that's a huge help, but, is it really?  Perhaps if I were doing something that earned bill money - I would feel differently.

That, and...

I saw a girl I graduated high school with ten billonty years ago yesterday.  I knew her immediately - I told her that I recognized her.  She hadn't a clue who I was.  Not a clue, you should have seen the look on her face!  She, looked identical to the way I recall her from elementary school, even.  She asked who I was, and I told her, she said, "You look good, not that you didn't look good before, but you look good!"  Uh, thanks.  I hate that response.  I always get that - but it kills me - because I wasn't that FAT when I graduated, yet, I am remembered that way.  This is why if I recognize someone, I let them initiate the conversation if they recognize me - because it's so ****ing awkward.  I don't want them to mention how I "look."  It's silly at this point.

She goes on to say that she talks to none of her old friends from school, and I say that I've had a similar experience, because I don't really talk to any beyond the random conversation via online contacts - aka MySpace.  We discuss how it's a bit odd how people change, yadda yadda yadda.   I tell her that "what gets me" is that people that would have been first in line on the bus to poke me with a stick back then, are the first to stop and talk to me NOW, and I hate that.   

"Oh Em Gee, You Look So Good!  How ARE You?!" 
"Uh, I'm well, and you are?"   

**** them.  Apparently she agreed.  But, wow - what a trip to see someone eleven years later. (And, serving her a ****ing cup of coffee. *sigh*)

Long ago and far away. . . at about 200 lbs

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