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Oh baby! Updated.

So, I finally did it.

I got enough motivation to get my ever-widening rear on the treadmill (a post about that to come), I locked the baby who likes to stick her fingers in it in with Dad, and walked. 

I got in about thirty-five minutes when I felt shaky and had to stop, I didn't want to fall.  I figured I would get off a while, get my bearings back and finish the one hour I had set out to do. 

Then I opened a kitchen drawer (aimlessly,) and started organizing it, swept the floor, let the dog out... and stepped in front of the fridge. 

"Man, I am hungry.  Why am I so hungry?  When did we eat?  One hour ago?  I have to eat something, why do I have to eat something?"

It's impossible NOT to listen to your body when it is telling you So Loudly To Eat Something.  I had eaten dinner one hour ago.  Then, as usual, I realized, "Oh.  I'm low."

I had to force myself into a chair and test.  58 mg.

This brought on, by eating a meal and exercising, I know better. 

Wait, what's better, not eating and not exercising?  Yes.  For me, yes.  But, it doesn't work that way.  I have to eat.  Exercise, well, I have been avoiding it very well for a long time.  Problem is, I can't eat a regular meal and then not expect to be aimlessly pacing searching for food one hour later.

I guess I need to exercise BEFORE any food hits my body in the early morning?  Any other RHG'ers out there?  How do you get any exercise in?  (Hangs head in shame.  I really did give up on in when I nearly passed out while walking before.) I'd love to hear.  :)

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