That time you heard much more about my ass that you needed to.
You know it's time to go grocery shopping in my house when I have finally thrown out the last of the food that I did not eat that I said I would. Typically, it's yogurt. I buy oodles of yogurt. "I should eat yogurt, it's really good for your digestion, you know. Look! It's on sale, let's get ten! Ooh, how about this delightfully slimy flavor!" I have never liked the stuff.
I truly do not like artificially sweetened yogurt, but I can't stop myself, I have a yogurt purchasing compulsion issue. Please help me.
In an effort to SBA (Save Beth's ass) I ate a yogurt just now. The LAST yogurt, dated February 28th, 2008. GULP, Immadienow.
Again, I am telling you, "diet" yogurt is why diet starts with DIE.
(You all saw a glimpse of The ass That Ate Boston online yesterday, and I had my chubby finger on the delete button, but I stopped. I realized, you know - if that isn't motivation - what is?)
ETA: I've come back to read this post, because the yogurt + half serving of Fiber One made me crash, so, screw yogurt. Yogurt, fiber, diets, you all suck.