Big Train Mouthgasm Video.
Stop & Shop's New Logo.

Can you hear me running?

Is this thing on?!  Are you out there?! 

My page loads dropped by half.  I noticed that.  So, I know you don't see me.  Now is the time to do something REALLY inappropriate.  :)


Something BROKE again.  I am getting those emails again.

"What happened to your page?  It's not loading at all?  Are you okay?" 

I guess those of you with IE cannot SEE the web page.  I thought I broke the internet because I tried to change my design.  When this happens, I am supposed to go through and delete anything that is extra, any and all added code, until the site loads again.


(I am very sorry Typepad. I HATE THIS DESIGN.  I HATE ALL OF THE DESIGNS THAT ARE AVAILABLE.  I could pay someone to make me a design, I know.)

I want to design my own, but, I don't have the skills.  I could totally show you on paper though.  My main problem?  The page allotted is not W I D E enough for what I want.  You can see this, as my columns are cut off, and everything is fighting for the top spot.

What do I want?

I want a CLEANER LOOKING PAGE that includes?

MY newest posts featured, with enough space for a wide photo, and column sidebars that do not cut off my ad space.  When I see a page that is really nicely set up, I say, "THAT'S IT!  THAT IS WHAT I NEED!"  But, I am not sure how to get it, so I poke around, and it's usually a professional design, (or a designer behind it) that I am finding. 

What I do not like, are the obviously you're a free blog look that we have got going on here, even though I am paying to write to you, silly girl I am.

I guess this is to say I am sorry for breaking the internet, again, I just want an aesthetic page, and this ain't it.  I made business cards, and I have colors to match, and ... UGH.

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