Late bloomer, types in her underwear.
I was a late bloomer in terms of the internet and computing. I did not realize the net's existence and true reach until years after most of my peers, and once I did I never really utilized it for what it was worth. Now, before anything else each day, okay maybe after the coffee is made, I fire up the iMac and connect to the internet.
The Lady MacBeth (yes I have actually named her) serves as my newspaper, I do not subscribe to any papers, she serves as my television, I do not really ever watch typical television, I can catch what I want online. The internet serves many times as my telephone, I can instant message and chat on demand. Most importantly at this stage in my life, the computer is my employer, and the best part, she's a great boss and I can come to work in my underwear.
The internet serves as our "mailbox," we have cut our influx of paper mail way down by going entirely to electronic payments and eStatements for every bill that offers it. We don't order many items via catalog, so the huge rush of fall and winter catalog waste has cut way down.
What about you? What piece of technology inspires you on a daily basis? How has it changed the way you live? When do you use it most often?