Surgery After Gastric Bypass
Free Lap Band Giveaway.

I'm excited over the little things.

This morning I receive a menu for the cafeteria.

"Valentines' Day Menu."  

Excitement abounds in my room.  I can order steak, roasted veggies and chocolate-dipped strawberries.

I looked for the wine or champagne, not going to happen.  

Anyway, nothing new on the flopping like a fish front.  Nothing happened in a few hours while I was actually completely free of medication.  I had a few "maybe something is going to happen?" moments, but they were mostly blood sugar fluctuations because I am eating meals.  (I do not eat meals at home, hardly ever.)

The only concerning issue I see is my heart rate.  It shoots up when I am active.  Like, if I was still 300+ lbs.  

I have noticed this for a long, long time, but doctors have called it part of anemia, and not to worry unless I couldn't breathe, etc.  Seriously, when I get up from sitting to go to the bathroom and whatnot, my heart rate is setting off the nurse's station alarms.  I don't feel a damn thing, I am used to it.  They come running in,

"Is everyhing okay?  Are you alright?"  Uh. Yeah.

Apparently a tachycardic heart indicates seizure.  But, when they see me I am fine.  It's just a racing heart rate when I move.  *shrug*  I did an orthostatic blood pressure  test last night, and it was normal, aside from my heart rate.  One might think that my blood pressure would DROP as I stood up, it remained normal for me, 100/60something, only jumped a few points.

Now I am drugged again, and it will be unlikely to see an actual grand mal while in the hospital, but I still have hope that we will catch a 'swoosh.'  But, if it never happens again, SO BE IT.  I will sing the praises of the medicine and move on.

They have started me on Dilantin, which is pretty incompatible with Vitamin D, so I have to AMP up my vitamin supplementation when I get home, and stay on top of my levels all the time.  I am already low in Vitamin D, although it's slightly higher than it was, so those 50,000 IU dry D3's are coming a lot more frequently than I have been taking them.

But, overall, my vitamin levels are better than they were.  I have a copy of my blood labs from when I saw the Bariatric doctor on January 2, 2009.  I am trying to dechiper.  

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