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May 2009 posts

Bradley The Dog Who Couldn’t Stop Eating

Book Review of Bradley The Dog Who Couldn’t Stop Eating by Linda Trainor, Illustrated by John Ewing.

Review by:  Daniel B. Jones, MD, MS
Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School  (Bariatric Surgeon)

...Obesity is a major healthcare problem. Billions are spent on diet aids and approximately 200,000 weight loss operations are performed annually in the United States. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates more than 21 million kids worldwide are struggling with obesity. Obese children and adolescents are at high risk for serious health problems as they develop into adulthood. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention on Childhood Obesity, one study found that approximately 80 percent of children who were overweight at ages 10 to 15 were obese adults at age 25. It is a startling fact that this generation of children will have a shorter life span than any other generation. Ironically, many of our schools have cut out physical education to meet budget demands and sell soda and ice cream in the school cafeterias to increase revenue. Despite this major healthcare crisis among our children, too little has been done to prevent obesity.

Nurse Linda Trainor, author of Bradley the Dog Who Couldn’t Stop Eating, addresses this problem and educates about fitness while empowering youth. This short story is about an overweight dog that faces the ridicule of being the fat kid. He shares his dreams and one day decides he will seek help and get control with the help of the baseball coach. It is not easy, but Bradley makes it. He sheds the unwanted weight with better food choices and exercise.

The book starts with realistic cartoons of Bradley engaged in activities typical of sedentary children by former Disney artist John Ewing, who co-illustrated Jungle Book and Winnie-the-Pooh. Bradley flips popcorn into his mouth while lying in front of a large-screen TV and slurps ice cream in one hand while playing video games with the other. One page even shows Bradley dreaming that he is atop a mountain of doughnuts with flying cup cakes. The cartoons in the book are enjoyed by kids and adults alike. In preparation of reviewing this book, I shared it with my own children. Ryan, age 14, thinks the book is great for any kid from the first to sixth grade. “It’s better than most of the health stuff we read.” Leah, age 9, says the book teaches “good nutrition and being healthy.” Cara, also age 9, says the book teaches that, “With hard work you can reach your goals.” Both girls shared their new book with schoolmates and it received high reviews from both boys and girls. The book is also an easy read for early readers and provides a fun-filled story for all ages.

The key to addressing this childhood obesity epidemic is prevention and emphasizing a healthy diet, regular exercise, and a positive “can-do” attitude like Bradley’s. He offers tips for a healthier lifestyle and a philosophy for better living. Children need a role model for a healthy lifestyle and that is where Bradley steps up to the plate. Bradley is the “can-do” dog for “can-do” kids.

Bradley leads a fit kid’s nation by example. In spite of Bradley being picked on by other pups and not being able to keep up with them on the track, Bradley gets angry and faces his problem. “I don’t want to be picked on or picked last anymore; I want to play and have fun, too.” The book focuses on having fun as the key for physical fitness. The coach acknowledges Bradley’s dream. Artist John Ewing uses a baseball field to outline a course of action for Bradley. “First Base: Believe in Yourself. Second Base: Be Healthy. Third Base: Be Active. Home Plate: Practice, Practice, PRACTICE.” Bradley follows the coach’s plan one base at a time. He pictures himself as a FIT PAW PUP POOCH, drops the TV controller, and engages in a potpourri of physical exercise that includes swimming, track, and field. Before you know it, Bradley has the skill, power to have fun, and is fit too!

The book is written at a 4-to-8-year-old reading level. It is a simple story using cartoon characters to profoundly influence the life of a child. The message is straightforward—become healthy and fit. The book lets kids know that if Bradley can do it, they can, too. As a “health-food hero,” Bradley provides a mouthpiece to lead a fit kid’s nation. He is to obesity what Smokey the Bear is to forest fires.


The book can be purchased here.

All Because Of My Lap-Band AP System. Caitin VanZandt's Weight Loss.

Caitlin VanZandt is an actress on the show "Guiding Light," I have never seen the show, but I was surprised to read that they had a slightly plus size actress on the soap.  She had a gastric band surgery and has lost nearly all of her excess weight.

Picture 4
Video Source: ET Online

"Not only because I can fit into fabulous clothes now."

"You're still yourself, you're not manipulated in any way."

Well, whatever, she's amazing gorgeous ANYWAY, and a 200/210 pound 5 foot 8 woman having a Lap-Band seems drastic to me?  Am I off my rocker?  Maybe.   Who's to say?  Although, she states that she was 'over 200' - I don't know how much over that is, there's no number.

It also seemed odd to me that she refers to her surgery as "My Lap Band AP!" I hit the Google, she's a spokesperson for LapBand. Here are her "journal" videos.

I am happy she's so successful and content, regardless! 

Here's a snippet of an interview with Thatzfit.com

Fitz: What drove you to surgery instead of exercise and good eating habits for weight loss?

Caitlin: You know, I'd been overweight since I was 10 years old and believe me, I have tried every method of weight loss around. Even though I knew how to eat right and exercise, I just couldn't control what I was eating. I was aware that I was eating bad things, but I just couldn't stop myself. I was an emotional eater. I also avoided the doctor because, rightfully so, he'd always give me a hard time. Last year, when I went in for my physical, he told me my cholesterol was sky high, and I was prediabetic. He offered up one more diet before he would put me on the drug Lipitor for high cholesterol. I was 22 years old, and I did not want to be on cholesterol medicine. When that last diet didn't work, we decided LAP-band surgery would be my best option. Trust me, I never thought I'd be one of those weight loss surgery people!

Here is her before commercial, video:

Post Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Diet Plans - Liquid Diet - Stages of Diet

Doctors and nutritionists may vary (some drastically) in terms of what kind of eating plan to follow AFTER your weight loss surgery procedure, but most have the same basic idea. 

In terms of product suggestions?  Some surgeons and nutritionists will point you to SPECIFIC products, most do not.  

A doctor may say, "You must use XYZ Protein," but everything can be substituted.  A portion of doctors and hospitals sell products, and they may obviously point you TO those products.  Usually, they are great choices.  It's up to you.

Follow your particular instructions of course, but here are some plans from other Bariatric Surgeons and nutritionists when you find yourself needing a reminder or re-start.

From Palo Alto Medical -

In all stages of the diet, it is especially important to drink enough water, and to take vitamin and mineral supplements as prescribed. You will progress through the stages spending approximately one week each on stage 1 and 2. Take five weeks to progress slowly through stage 3. You should expect to start eating regular foods at approximately six to eight weeks. Below is a summary of what to expect.

From Highland Hospital, download-able plans:

Stepping back.

I need a goal.  Throwing everything else aside, I need a goal.  Not weight loss, not exercise, because those things are forever. 

I need a goal for what I am doing HERE, at this site, and overall.

A year and a half ago I decided that I would make mm.net a 'job.'  Why?  Because I found myself spinning like a hamster in a wheel sidelined with a health condition that kept me at home.  I'm still at home, on a countdown to driving very soon (knock on wood, swing a chicken, pray to the goddesses, I don't care - do it) and I need something to work towards. 

My goal was to increase my contributions to the family income, from home, because I cannot work in a typical sense.  How amazing to be able to do this, while doing something I enjoy!  I have, and I am grateful, and it's been more help than you could ever know.  Six people, dog and cat on one income, it's NOT okay.  Mama HAS to contribute.

In this same time, I have realized that once you start taking on opportunities like I have, you quickly get screwed. Seriously, you have NO idea how many screws I have gotten (those are old), and I mean that in the non-literal sense. 

You would think it's all very simple, and that people would follow through, but promises mean nothing.  I am not pointing a finger right now but I can see how this is a cycle. 

Again, I am not pointing fingers.  I have had GREAT experiences with many companies.  (I know that a few of them will read this, and they've been great to me.  Thank you.)

Company A wants this, promises you that, you follow through, sometimes immediately, and then they're nowhere to be found, or they reply that they can't follow through, but you did a GREAT JOB, kthanxbai!  OR - they're out there - but not following through at all, just stringing you along with promises.

Then, there's every email I get:

"Hi there!  I just read your post about __________, and I think that's great!  Would you be willing to share our line of <insert random product here> with your readers?  We think that they will really appreciate it!  For your participation, we'll send YOU a ONE OF A KIND dishrag, and ONE FOR YOUR READERS!  Imagine that!  Post NOW!"

Don't forget when I've been asked to change the way I do things. 

"You might want to consider saying it 'this way' - you know - you don't want to offend anyone."

"Don't use those words."

"Could you send us your post before you post it, we'd like a chance to read it and edit it before it goes live."

You might think those requests might come for PAID work, they don't.  They are from folks who might ask me for a favor.

I am an idiot.

Case in point, the popcorn guy.  He signed up for an ad.  I liked his product, tried it first, and we agreed on an ad for such and such a month.  He never, ever paid. 

"I can't afford it, sorry, can I pay you in popcorn?"

Do you have any idea how much business I sent him?  And, it's so little money, that legally, I have nothing.

He was not the first or the last, or even the one in between.  I still get links in from companies that screwed me.

I guess this is to say I have to look out for myself a lot better if I am going to be my own little entity.  I am a single person, and it's easy to take advantage of the silly little blogger. 

I need much more.  I need a goal.  I am going to succeed, regardless of how many popcorn salesmen there are in my way.  Just, how?  What's next? 



"You may not subscribe to someone who has blocked you."

Never mind.  Stepping AWAY from the interwebz.   I don't get it.  I was already irritated with interwebz before I tried to subscribe to a YouTube account (irritated for an entirely different reason, I'll get into it later) and then this. 

Tell me now, is there something I don't know?  I am really developing a complex.  I must have body odor.

Give me a break, apparently I should go delete the post I just made supporting her?


Weight - is down!  It looks like about five pounds of the regain is gone.  I will take it.  I'm now 8 lbs above where I was maintaining.  That feels a little better.

Random items.

  • My youngest is currently on her third, fourth change of clothes today  (she's now naked after the fifth) I am nearly ready to hide the clothes and give her access to only one "PWETTY" a day and leave it at that.  I put her in suitable clothes, because it's freezing in the house, and she strips naked and follows me to dig through the dirty pile of laundry for her "is not dirty, PWETTY!"  I finally told her that the dirty clothes had pee on them, and she stopped shredding it to find her pretties.

(Stopping this post because she's crying to reach her SHOOOOOOEZ  I need my SHOOOOOOOOOEZ!)

Continue reading ":P" »

"How to Really Lose Weight and Beat the Obesity Epidemic?" Maybe worth a look.

How many diets did YOU try before heading down the path to weight loss surgery? 

Did you try any 'low-fat' diets?  Did they work?  Not likely.  We know that.  We remove fat from our diets and ADD IN simple carbohydrates (SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR!) 

Now, as WLS patients, we remove simple carbs (SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR!) and we add in protein and fat!  It works.

Source:  Medical News Today

Irving A. Cohen, MD, MPH, (has a) new book "Dr. Cohen's Guide to the New Hippocratic Diet™: How to Really Lose Weight and Beat the Obesity Epidemic" It teaches dieters how to lose weight easily and naturally despite having failed before.

In his book, Dr. Cohen explains how three decades ago the Federal government tried to "fix" the problem of overweight adults by recommending low-fat diets for all Americans. They were wrong. As a result, four times as many Americans are overweight. Because most Americans believe that bad advice, they gain weight as they try to diet. The government blocks efforts to help those who are overweight or who may suffer from Type 2 diabetes unless they conform to that misguided government policy.

Dr. Cohen's weight-loss program has helped many. In addition to losing weight, people suffering from Type 2 Diabetes have been able to come completely off medications and reverse their disease. His book has been featured on The Diabetes Power Show. Dr. Cohen developed his approach using a mathematical model (Medical Hypotheses, in press, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mehy.2009.03.039) that predicts the ability of a weight reduction of diet to suppress hunger. That model showed that diets are not equal, and the approach pushed by the government increases hunger, causing dieters to fail.

The book explains how Dr. Cohen studied older medical practices as a Fellow in the History of Medicine to find similarities to the approach he was using. He found parallels both in 19th century Germany as well as 2400 year old recommendations of Hippocrates, the founder of rational Western medicine. The book offers practical, modern advice on how to use weight naturally, as was done in times past.

Dr. Cohen is a Board-Certified physician specializing in Preventive Medicine and a Fellow of the American College of Preventive Medicine. He trained in Preventive Medicine at Johns Hopkins University where he served as Chief Resident of Preventive Medicine. He has served as the Deputy Director of the New York State Research Institute on Addictions. He now practices in Kansas.

200 calorie freaking awesome tasting shake, if only I could remember what it was?

This burny belly is helping me.  (I got some OTC meds today for it.)  I had another of the ready to drink protein shakes out of my stash in the fridge - and it was freaking DELISH.  Thing is, I have to look it up, I know nada about what it is, and I don't think it's something really 'meant' for us, not that any I can find at GNC/Health Food Stores ARE, but, I LOVED LOVED LOVED the taste.  Let me go find out the deetz, I drank it all during National Geographic's Inside a Cult last night.  (SHIVER.)

BRB.  Found it! 


Pro-NOS® RTD also contains 35 g of 100% pure whey protein, just what you need to pump up your blood levels of amino acids quickly right after exercise. Combined with the benefits of ACTIONS™, this creates a virtual amino acid nitrogen "bullet train" that helps your muscles rebound from your workouts with greater mass, strength and resilience, faster. Sounds like more than just a drink that is ready for consumption, doesn't it?

Post-workout nutrition wouldn't be fun if it didn't taste good, too. That's why MRI's food scientists committed themselves to making each flavor of Pro-NOS® RTD an oasis of taste. So don't drink it all in one gulp. Savor it.

Plus, Pro-NOS® RTD contains no trans fats or aspartame. It also has no added creatine so that you are free to stack Pro-NOS® RTD with whichever other supplements you choose, creatine-containing or not.


200 calories for 35 grams of protein is UNHEARD of.  It tastes like melted vanilla ice cream.  Score. The texture, perfectly smooth, and NOT THICK!  For newbies, it's a BIG undertaking at 17 ounces, so it could be split up.  For old gals like me - I sipped away and was happy.  Because, it tasted SO good.

  • Product - Pro-NOS RTD 17oz
  • Price -  Around $4.00 (But, I just found them online for like, $1.99, going to look around...because it was out of stock.  HARRRRUMPH.)
  • Via - GNC?
  • Pros - RTD, Tetra-pack, tastes like vanilla ice cream, 200 calories, 35 grams protein,
  • Cons - Do I really need Nitric Oxide?  :x
  • Rating - Pouchworthy, MM.

No IV!

I went to my hematology appointment, and for the first time, I did not require an iron IV.  Doc says that I should have come up higher, but it was a move in the right direction, and I will require another dose soon. 

I told her about my burning gut, and she asked all the standard questions, "No, I am not pooping blood..."  She suggested a gastric doc here in my town (because getting to surgeons in the city is like pulling teeth, today's appointment was a three ring circus just to GET there) to check me out.

Ulcer symptoms...

  • Abdominal pain with a burning or gnawing sensation
  • Pain 2 - 3 hours after eating
  • Pain is often aggravated by an empty stomach; for example, nighttime pain is common
  • Pain may be relieved by antacids or milk
  • Heartburn
  • Indigestion (dyspepsia)
  • Belching
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Poor appetite
  • Weight loss

I guess I will self-medicate, will grab some gut soothing medication when I get to the store.  She suggested: H2 blockers, such as cimetidine (Tagemet), ranitidine (Zantac), nizatidine (Axid®, and famotidine (Pepcid), reduce gastric acid secretion.  I can't imagine how it will help if this problem is in my upper pouch area- but I will try.


Don't come over.  Because while I am trying to get the yellow pollen off of everything (I am allergic) the child found a stash of powdered peanut butter.  "Mama, come see!" 

She will put me in a home.

Last night I watched Obsessed on A + E.  I have to tell you that I had a mixed reaction.  On one hand it made me feel a little more normal, and then not, because I can identify (though not anywhere near such extremes) as can my roll of toilet paper spouse. 

Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation


PO Box 961029
Boston, MA 02196

Anxiety Disorders Association of America


8730 Georgia Ave., Ste. 600
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Trichotillomania Learning Center


OCD Awareness


OCD Self Help


Local Programs

The UCLA ocd intensive treatment program is a great partial hospitalization program.

The April Center for Anxiety Attack Management


Getting Control by Lee Bauer
Imp of the Mind by Lee Bauer

Babies with two daddies. Wait, huh?

Because I am sneezing my head off from the wafting yellow pollen and cannot think straight, I will give you some interesting things to ponder.  How did this, uh, happen?  Wow.

And then there's this little hissy fit:

So, just buy her the damn car, or she'll run you over.