Another gorgeous before and after.

No matter what.


I haven't felt right lately,  I've been super-forgetful, clumsy and generally feeling stoopid.   Enough so that I felt it necessary to get an urgent visit with the PCP this morning.  (Many of those symptoms point to a medication problem, I don't want to mess around.)  I was already having memory and cognitive problems, I have for a long time, but it's increased.

I didn't call, I just walked in to see if they had any available appointments, and they squeezed me in.  (Although, I have to mention, that any time that's ever happened, that I have been "squeezed in" -- the offices are empty.  But I do appreciate it.)

The doctor sent me to get blood drawn, she's checking my current state of anemia, metabolic panel, vitamin levels, thyroid and my seizure med level.  I told her that SOMETHING is not right.  Something is out of balance.  I am off kilter, more than my usual.  Here's to hoping something IS off kilter, or you can set me up in that special Alzheimer's Unit now.

No seriously, you don't get it.  I walked in to drop off the baby at school today and a former co-worker of Mr's was there.  She said, "Hi!  How are you?"  I HAD NO IDEA WHO SHE WAS.  She's been IN MY HOUSE.  Mr. has only been in the new job for what, a month?  I knew that I recognized her, but I could not place her.  She likely thought I had lost it.

Add that to the general feeling of askew in my body?  Good times.

It could be worse.

Alongside me, a woman my age, being escorted out of a van with full head protection on.

It could be worse.

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