Ooh, Crafty!
Smoked Bacon Wrapped Steak & Shrimp Kabobs Skewers Recipe

In which I write before CPS comes.

The boots I bought for mini MM yesterday did not fit.  I could not pull them up over her stubby little calves. 

So, because (I'm an idiot) I dragged her out to hit up Target (again) to return them with no other shoes on. She was insisting upon the Wearing Of The Boots!  

On the way to the store -- I stopped at the Post Office. HA.  The idiot parent carrying a three year old who is the size of a five year old, with no. shoes. on. through two feet of snow?  That was me.  

On the way in to the parking lot, I pulled in way too close to a very small child (who I didn't see till I was IN the spot) who has let himself out of his mom's SUV, while she is still behind the wheel on the PHONE.  She doesn't even flinch when I pull in next to her, and her child is STILL behind the car in the parking lot.

I put her down in the Post Office when I realized there were 10+ people in line sending out their God Forsaken Bills Via Money Order or gifts to grandma.  My child, in socks, on the wet floor of the Post Office because I cannot carry her for that long.  I lug her up the stairs every day for nap -- but that's about it.  My back has a serious ziiinnnng twitch nerve pain at that very spot where they shove the epidural needle during labor, too.  

Anyway - I allowed her to stay on the floor while I waited for other customers to send packages to East Buttcrack, Montana, even offending that same Mom in line.  

"Tristan, I think that boy is about your age, say, 'hi!"  "Hi there, are you four?"

"Oh, he may look small, but he is really FIVE."

Doh.  That's why he can direct traffic, huh?

I make it up to the line -- with my Yellow You Has A Package!! ticket.   My FIRST MM PO BOX PACKAGE!!  I was excited enough to STAY IT LINE for this!!

The post person hands me a STACK of mail.  


 "Excuse me, this isn't mine?"  

"Well it's been here forever, so?"  

It's still not mine, but looking back, I should have taken it.  LOL.  All those coupons!  Christmas cards to a woman who is probably dead!

I figured since I waited forever, I'll get my money's worth and ask why I did not get my mail delivery at my house yesterday.  She writes down the number to the mail annex and tells me to call, because "You probably didn't shovel out your box."  Okay.  I call, the twat on the phone says, "Ma'am, the mail comes EVERY. DAY.  What are you asking?"  It's determined that my trash guy left the buckets in the path of the mail carrier, and she did not stop. Fine.  "Thank you sir!"

The only reason I cared that my mail arrives, is that I am still waiting on late checks, and it's down to the wire to get The Presents.  Never, ever! assume you will be paid on time.  Ever.  We have learned that this year, between Mr's lack of bonus money (he made $20-30,000 LESS this year than 2008, JAW DROP, I had no idea that bonus $ was really that much because of the taxes taken from it) and receiving payments a month or two late, you can't assume anything.  And, if I am waiting for last month's payment to buy a soap making kit, damn it, the mail better come!

We arrived into the Target parking lot on spinning wheels, I was terrified, but then I got out the car and noticed people spinning out across the lot on purpose.  We did not find snow boots -- the entire rack was sold out!  And, she saw the Hello Kitty rain boots.  "I need dose wis the face on them!"  I found a single pair of snow pants that will be 10 inches too long, and a hat which she promptly lost while I was in Michael's Craft Store looking for a soap making kit.  And, I'm not going to go back to find it, except I still need to go find snow boots.  :P 

Picture 27

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