Celebrate Multivitamin Chewable Pineapple-Strawberry
Recipe - Peanut Butter Cookies!

A is for ...

I have been enrolled in my online college courses course for two weeks and What Have I Learned?  

That it would have been preferable to have paid attention from ages 12-16 if at all to the rules of writing a sentence.  This process could not be more yawn-inducing.  I have the attention span of a gnat that has been floating in a Red Bull.  

Getting me to sit and complete an assignment that does not interest me in the least -- it is a challenge.  I will do anything to get up and walk away from it, even if I am unaware that I am walking away.  This goes for everything that bores, challenges or drives me batty.  I check OUT.  Bye-bye.  (Even blog related things, which I typically love and do immediately. Give me a shitty product, watch how fast I ignore it.)

For particular situations it is beneficial, perhaps when there is something I should walk away from, like an insane housewife that is sending me hate mail!   (Because it would cost me less in lawyer fees.) However, when we are talking about a simple college assignment, it doesn't really help at all to get up and go play with the vacuum and pretend I am sucking up someone's head.

"Please highlight the fragmented sentence and document the comma spliceahmajigwhocares!?!?!?"

Again, I wish I had paid some attention in my formative years to so that maybe I would not need to take THESE classes now at age 31.  I don't want to.  </end whine>  Perhaps I can balance the I don't want to's with I Want To's! and pick up another class that actually interests me at the same time as each of these have-to's?  

Anyway, I got a 94% for the first two weeks.  Picture 49

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