Secret ...
Weight Loss Surgeons Selling Supplements?



Teresa?  I guess you could call this MY Botox-face.  BAHAHAHAHA.


Today was about 100,000 degrees in my neck of the woods.  Yesterday I failed to find appropriate summer clothing for myself.  So today -- I SWEAT MY ASS OFF while visiting with my niece today near/at the ocean.  


My face tastes like salt now, hours later after being to the water and sweating to death.  I am headed to the shower, but I wanted to sit here in the QUIET AND NOT HOT-NESS for a very long while, which I did to upload photos.


I am not very good about the heat.  We took the kids for ice cream, and I got a baby-scoop size of no sugar added low carb maple walnut death, and UGH.  It really amazes me how two ounces of chemically altered food and be so cruel and unusual to your gut.  I know better, I know that regular sugar-sweetened desserts treat ME better, and so I pay for it. 

While considering a sugar-alcohol and heat stroke induced coma, I think I found a sugar daddy.  But, it's awfully hot in Texas.  And, I'm mapping the route in my head, that's a REALLY LONG BOAT RIDE.  Never mind.


Oh well.  Someday I can get a house on the water, not a house ON the water.


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