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What happened to my dog?


This is one of those moments where I sit and think "Do I bother saying anything?" and it comes out anyway. My dog was tied out today while we took off for a while, as she often is.  Just a little while ago, my daughter came to me and shared that my dog --

"Has a big who-wele in her head, look!"

And, while it isn't a big hole, she's got a hole.  A roundish wound near her eye.

Typically this would not phase me --- I grew up in a house "in the woods" --- and our animals (cats, mostly) would get a scratch, a bite, from a night-time fight out in the dark.  But dogs?  Not really.  They go out on runs and leashes, never loose, and a laceration would have to come TO THEM.

Raccoons or big scary cats -- don't really come and fight with big boxer dogs in the daylight.  She's never been hurt -- wounded -- anything.  (Aside from ticks -- which have been low this year with treatment.)  Her leashed area is free of things to poke an eye out with -- this seems awfully direct and obvious for rolling around in the grass amorously with a stuffed toy. (Which is what she does, when she is not sleeping.)

As for my dogs enemies?  The UPS man.  He is TERRIFIED of the dog.  He comes into my driveway at least once a week, shaking in his brown shorts.  But, today is Sunday, and there's no delivery.  If she EVER was loose and went after him, I think he'd shit his pants and throw a box at her while he ran to his truck.

That's it.  We don't get many visitors -- I haven't seen any errant rabid raccoons or psychotic cats?  And, the dog was not bleeding when we left at 1:45pm -- and was bleeding early this evening when let in.

It just makes me a little sad.  I would HATE to even CONSIDER THE IDEA that someone might, say.... pop her in the head with a BB Gun.  That would be awful, disgusting, and hateful.

But, realistically, it happens.  It makes me sick.  (Do yourself a favor -- do NOT search the internet.)

The back of my house is riddled with shots -- they were there when we bought the house -- I noted it during the inspection.  Holes all through the siding on the back porch.   Prior owners or friends - obviously had a little too much fun at least once.  Along with the blow-torched back water spigot.  O-O  (We live in the lap of luxury.)

I am going to assume that no one DID anything to this animal.   Because, how could you? DSC_4411

PS.  If you think I've lost it -- because I am over here considering that someone might have attempted to harm my dog -- just remember -- we have no love for our next door neighbors who call our children names and drop the F BOMB at me as needed -- so why wouldn't the dog be a target?

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