Weight Watchers Is Full Of Can't.
"Before Weight Watchers? My world was can't."
(Please don't take it personal. And, I've said this on Facebook and Twitter already, when I first saw the commercials, because they made me SPIT FIRE.)
You were NOT MORBIDLY OBESE. I bet you didn't have trouble tying your shoes or wiping your ass.
Don't get me wrong. I completely understand losing weight. Obviously I do. However.
You were beyond successful, amazing and beautiful before the Weight Watchers campaign. Jennifer, somehow, I am not seeing the Fail that this commercial is making you out to be:
Jennifer - you are amazing - either way.
Weight Watchers is the #1 money-maker in the US, with a HUGE marketing budget. Millions and millions of dollars spent on making us feel less than adequate.
Weight Watchers knows that Diets Don't Work, but a emo Jennifer Hudson sells Weight Watchers. (That's Not A Diet -- But Is)
Is your world REALLY full of CAN'T? Will Weight Watchers really change your WORLD? OR - will YOU CHANGE?
And, to make this more on topic, I feel a simliar twinge when I see gastric band commercials, though most of those (that are aired HERE, anyway) are quite "blah" and dry when it comes to selling a New World OF Cans.
Unless, of course: