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Extreme Makeover - Weight Loss Edition

NO PAIN, NO WEIGHT LOSS: A woman who weighs nearly 400 pounds embarks on a one-year challenge in the premiere of the new series....

I know better than to watch weight loss, diet or exercise programming, because I  get angsty and bloggy.  

However,  I live this "I used to be 320 lb life" and seeing other obese people change dramatically DOES impact me more than your typical not ever obese person.

I am impressed, and I DO find myself doing a little cheer when someone does something SO GOOD for themselves.  The before and afters are always super motivational.  "LOOK AT WHAT SHE DID!  OMG!"

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I caught most of ABC's Extreme Makeover last night, since I forced myself into bed at a decent hour and it happened to be on.

My first impression:  Perhaps this show also picks contestants based upon future looks.  They know who is going to make an UH-MAAAZING before and after slideshow.  The girl featured on last night's episode, whittled from 379 lbs to just over 200 lbs, and facially, she's a pageant winner.  You can't tell me that producers do not "see" that prior to casting.  (Yes, of course they do, it sells, the trainers are often Quite Pleasing too.)

Honestly, if you watch, read her face PRIOR, DURING and AFTER.  Her whole face changes, her smile turns ON.

My out loud thoughts during the show:

  • "They expect her to do this ALONE, at home, in her normal situation?"  That's what "The Biggest Loser and other shows have done to us, we don't think it's possible to lose weight sort-of-on-our-own anymore.
  • Throwing away Mama's groceries ain't gonna change nothin'.  It's up to the person who wants to lose weight.  You cannot be the food police.  Luckily in this case, after some drama, Mama lost 50 lbs with the contestant.
  • "I can't believe this girl is getting plastic surgery before she's DONE losing weight."  I cringed when the plastic surgeon grabbed on her pannus.  "It's not gone yet!  That's going to be mishapen if she loses more weight!"   
  • Now, I realize that maybe only massive weight loss patients who have had plastic surgery, or multiple consults, and have watched others go through the process might really GET that, but lots of loose skin is different than lots of skin covering fat.   
  • And, plastics prior to loss can lead to funny shaped bodies, as can regain after plastics.  "Hello, muffin."  No comment about that.  But, muffin lost 15 lbs in three weeks, and he looks normal.
  • (And, yes, I was compelled to grab my six years of skin, and play with it.  It's empty.)

I will watch again.  I was motivated by the before and after and the fact that this girl (she's just 22!) was able to lose so much weight, so young, and has the opportunity to start over.   Given the failure rates for typical diet and exercise, I would love to see an update in a couple years to see if this huge life change sticks with her and the other contestants to come.

What did you think of the show?

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