This one time in Vegas
Kids Do The Darndest Things With Your Fat

Obesity Help New York October 2011 in New York!

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Obesity Help says, "OK, it's not exactly in the City, but it's as close as we could get and still afford it! Please join us in New York for what promises to be tremendous information and just darned good fun with your friends! Make it a weekend and visit Manhattan on Sunday morning for breakfast! OH is working overtime to bring you great speakers to present timely and new information on bariatric surgery, plastic surgery, nutrition, self esteem, relationships, exercise, and clothing advice. We want to provide you with the support you need to be successful, and present it in an environment where you're surrounded by friends! Come learn how to find your "Sexy," or get it back! In addition to the many breakout sessions, our main stage will be offering motivational speakers as well as a professional Q & A panel."

Buy tickets now.

Connie Stapleton, PhD is offering accredited CE courses on Friday at each event location. 8 Continuing education credits are available for "Understanding the Obese Patient". Course listed below. Please CLICK HERE for more information and to register for this professional portion. 

General Admission -- Includes Full Event Access -- $75.00

  • Friday Night Meet & Greet
  • Saturday Lunch + Events
  • Saturday Night Event
  • Please use coupon code "meltingmama" for a 40% discount!  Buy tickets now.

You can totally make this a whirlwind weekend in the city!  I am!

Long Island on Fri/Sat and NYC on Sun!


I heart NYC.  I can't wait to re-do this photo.

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