This is why I will be denied life insurance.
I have taken to calling the Days That I Have A Seizure, "Seizure Days."
Fancy, huh? It's funny, I think I called this one. I felt slightly off and mentioned it. I said to Mr. right after we left that house that "It's gotta be time for a seizure, it's been a while, at least a week?"
Not more than two hours later, Mr. said I blanked out mid-discussion and stared off, and then did my usual misdirected scrounging for "sugar." I think he pulled a box of donut holes out of my hands. (I'm really classy like that during a seizure. I morph into a non-coherent VACUUM.)
Ironically we were headed into the bank to sign our Life Insurance Applications. Thank goodness we were dealing with someone Mr knows well, (his company...) because I was clearly falling asleep ON THE DESK.
I remember Mr. telling the financial consultant that "She's a little groggy, she just had a seizure in the car," and then I laid my head down on the desk and "slept" for a bit. Answering the questions for a life-insurance application are "fun," especially when you are demonstrating one of the symptoms of WHY you should be denied coverage.
"Have you ever been diagnosed with a neurological disorder?"
"I'm a little sleepy from a seizure, so yeah?"
And then, the FC asked some question about abdominal issues, and I'm clearly a bit stabby from the post-seizure feelings, and I want to say, "YEAH, damn it, I have an alien in my LLQ and NOBODY CAN FIX IT." I'm sure that would have gone over well. I don't remember what I said, nor much of anything, but I signed my name to allow a blood test and basic physical exam and release of medical records, so they can deny me.
I don't expect to be approved for Life Insurance, Mr (also a WLS post op...) hasn't been able to get approved before on his own either, something about his "liver enzymes" in the last attempt. It's not a necessity, but it was suggested by his company, as they have people on staff to sell it direct.
I wonder if it's an instant denial if I seize during the medical exam? :x