Is Sugar Toxic?
Jillian Michaels WLS is FLAT-OUT DANGEROUS.

MM Takes A Gym Tour And Blogs About It And Suze Orman Slaps Her In The Face

Mr. and I took the kids on a tour of a local gym this morning.

Gasp!  A...gym?  I know, I already heard about it via Facebook...  "No. way. you. did."  We really did! 

"What's wrong with you, Beth?!"  

I know.  Two wild and crazy things in the span of one week?  Are you mad?

No, not really.  Not... much?

I realized when we were on the Obesity Help Cruise that I don't mind exercise -- when I'm in a gym.

Why?  Because, I've got distractions galore:  via TV, music, and Other People Around Doing The Same Thing.   Certainly the fact that we were staring OUT INTO THE CARIBBEAN helped a little itty bitty, I am sure.  Even walking the track outdoors was no trouble at all.   Again -- I was distracted by pretty things.

At home -- I rarely follow through with exercise via treadmill because I start zoning out at the wall -- and think about Getting Off Of This Thing and ... ANYTHING to GET OFF OF THIS THING -- HOW ABOUT LAUNDRY?  You said the toilet is clogged?  I'll be right there!  SQUEE!

And I do.  I'll make it 15 -20-30 minutes and quit.  But, in the context of a gym where you're surrounded by folks trying not to quit -- it's easier.  Maybe it's just me!  (I know it's not.)  

This means we've been tossing around the idea of signing up the whole family for a gym membership.

 As much as I would like to just get up and go early in the morning by my SELF, it will never happen since I am not driving anymore.  We were members of one or two gyms years ago -- right after we both had weight loss surgery -- but at the time we were living with family for a while and it was easy to take turns going.  Now, not so much.  We would have to go as a group (which can be a big freaking deal...) because there isn't any swapping off anymore -- and we don't have babysitters.

We would have to go at night or on the weekends -- which will end up being whatever teenagers that will GET UP AND GO and somehow wrangling the younger two into a class at the same time.

I pretty much realize that it's impossible AND totally worth it, simultaneously.  

My ten year old was bouncing off the walls in there:  "I SO want to DO THIS, I could take swimming lessons, and I could do THIS and then we could do THIS!"  My 13 year old didn't complain, and I saw him eyeing the weights like "I could do this."  

The frugal MM says it's a waste of money, because she is all too realistic and know what happens when people buy gym memberships.  And those who buy memberships that can't really get to the gym more than 1-2 times a week?  Huge waste of disposable income.  Suze Orman would SLAP YOU IN THE FACE.  "Go play outside you morons."  I know she'd say it.

But as Dr. Phil says, "How's that working for you?"  

Um.  It's not.  It never really has.  I have a hard time just getting up and going because my preferred exercise is walking outdoors -- and since I have random seizures -- I'm fearful of walking alone.

The sometimes Motivated MM knows it's worthwhile if it GETS US MOVING because moving is the goal, and what matters and who cares if it's $$$.$$ a month?  And she also saw herself in the full-body mirror without Slimpressions AT THE GYM and wanted to jump on the treadmill immediately.   Then I realize How Motivating It IS -- if I came home and posted about all the good things I would do - and the benefits I'd get from working out - and how many potential people might be motivated too?  

PS.  And the bizarrely analytical  MM already did the math and realized that it's about .88 cents to $1 per day per person in the family for such a membership, and that doesn't seem like much at ALL, but when she considers that might only be used once a week some weeks -- it seems like a lot more -- and WHAT IF WE DON'T GO AT ALL?!  Yes, I have to make it worthwhile or I won't bother.  So there's that.

Oh, I suppose I should add the cost of the protein shake I HAD TO have on the way out?  That would really... uh... add up.


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