That time MM was on 20/20.
American Broadcasting Company (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I'm going to be on TV.
I'm going to New York City next week to film an interview with ABC's 20/20.
Then, because of the way things go: I am going to the neurology inpatient unit for 7-10 days for video EEG monitoring, coming home, and flying to Vegas for the WLSFA Event. Because. It's all or nothing for me.
PS. Send clothes. OMG. I have nothing to wear. And I need a haircut. Save me.
Yes. I agreed to go. You know I am terrified of Such Things as Being On Camera, and I have said no a couple times before to things like this. There are people in my life who feel that I can't possibly have stage fright because "REALLY, YOU!? Attention WHORE!" But I am typically scared shitless, you just don't know that.
But this opportunity feels different. It's 20/20.
I WATCH THIS SHOW. OMG. I'm going to speak with Deborah Roberts. OMG.
I spent one and a half hours on the phone today with a ABC producer, and I taped it.
Why did you TAPE yourself, Beth? For one thing, I have had more than one seizure during Important Phone Calls that I do not remember HAVING. (Sorry, Chike Protein, and whomever else I've done it to.) Knowing the call would be long, I figured it was a possibility and I wanted to remember what I said. It didn't happen, but now I have this record of my half of the conversation, I figured I would share it.
This is completely unscripted, random and much of my off the cuff thoughts. Please do not judge too harshly. I did not prepare anything because I had no idea what she was going to ask and what the topic was. As for the actual show topic, I figure it will be loosely connected to the things she asked in this interview: