MM Syntrax Protein Giveaway #1 - Five POUNDS of Kick Ass Protein!
I AM FAT! Stop making ASSumptions.

Microwave Breakfast - Low-Carb Egg, Cheese and Sausage Tortilla

Got three minutes?  You can make breakfast and it doesn't have to be a protein bar.  GASP!

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Recipe lifted and altered from the Incredible Edible Egg -

  1. Spray a  2-cup microwave-safe cereal bowl with cooking spray.  
  2. Add an egg, beat until blended. 
  3. Sprinkle sausage over egg.
  4. MICROWAVE on high 45 seconds, stir.  MICROWAVE until egg is almost set, about 15 seconds longer. 
  5. Top egg with cheese.  
  6. Place onto tortilla, fold bottom of tortilla over egg, then fold in sides.
  7. Add hot sauce, salt, pepper or salsa
  8. Eat

Taa-dah!  Breakfast! 

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