This one time in Texas... I got stranded because of a little hurricane. I live in MASSACHUSETTS.
I left my house to attend the Obesity Action Coalition last Wednesday morning -- and unknown to me, there was a hurricane coming in. I am now trapped in the Dallas area until the planes can fly again. Whelp.
Luckily and thank goodness, I was saved AT THE TICKET COUNTER by a friend who lives here in the local Dallas-area, otherwise I would have been left in a puddle in tears AND SLEEPING ON A COT IN THE AIRPORT FOR FOUR DAYS.*
And, if you know Beth, she does not do very well without...
#1 - showering. #2 - sleeping. #3 - monies for coffee.
*See also - no RX epilepsy medication. Very, very, BAD. I had enough medication for a few days in case of emergency, but not HURRICALYPSE!
I almost lost my expletive deleted at the counter, and I was saved. I also have my emergency supply of medication filled.
*Thank you. Because. Really, I would be on the floor in the airport for the majority of a week.