National Epilepsy Awareness Month
National Epilepsy Awareness Month is NOW! I am Beth -- and I have epilepsy. GASP! You mean -- it's not ALL ABOUT THE WEIGHT LOSS?!
Whee. It's super fun. Oo Did you know? I bet you might have?
Did you know that I deal with daily auras, seizures every few days (including one in Starbucks in Plano, TX the other day...) and the stigma of not knowing when, where or how I might seize? Did you know that even with my diagnosis -- some of my peers make fun of me and say that I "fake it" for attention? Because They Do. (Thanks for THAT, By The Way. It Feels Really Good In My Heart.)
Anyway. For those who might give a damn, there's this. Give a damn. It matters. Brains do matter. Brain matter, matters. Or something. I'm tired. LOL.
As part of our mission to help overcome the challenges created by epilepsy, we're pleased to announce our Now I Know video campaign.
When it comes to epilepsy, what do you know now that you wish you knew sooner?
We're inviting people with epilepsy, their friends, family and caregivers to log on to Facebook, starting November 1st, and share through a video what they've learned, and what resources have helped them.
Visitors to our Facebook page will have the opportunity to vote for their favorites and share the videos through their social networks. At the end of the contest, the videos with the most votes in each of four regions, will win iPads, among other prizes.
Select videos may also be featured here on our website and at our National Walk for Epilepsy in Washington, DC. We hope to pool the collective knowledge of the epilepsy community into an easy-to-use resource and to serve as a jump-start point for talking about the disorder with our communities.