About quitting.
I quit 'writing my stories' long ago as my husband would call it because I tried to keep my blog totally "on topic."
You see what happened. Yeah. I stopped writing. I stopped writing altogether. It seems that I only have the urge to 'write my stories' when triggered to write a Something That I Have To Write Down For Myself - not for anyone else.
I am not a blogger who blogs for other people. I do not blog for you. I blog for me, or at least I used to and that is why I started writing in the first place. I lost my mojo for the task of writing because it feels like a chore now rather than a hobby and within the space of the niche I write in, it felt crowded and those who wrote alongside me seemed to want me to quit.
Except I wasn't writing for them.
I wasn't writing for you.
It was for me.
It's time move on.