On getting old.
As many of you -- I have had lower back pain for years, and in my normal Beth way I have ignored it or (...don't tell anyone!) medicated it with NSAIDS off and on, and heat, and exercise, and stretching. AND GOD DAMN IT, IT HURTS.
Source - Healio
NSAID use is contraindicated in gastric bypass patients as it can cause serious ulcers. I started popping them like candy recently. No. good.
The back pain comes in cycles and never really goes away. It gets to the point where I cannot ignore it and I am currently in a Flare Of I Cannot Sit Down Or Sleep Or Lay Down And Nothing Feels Right EXCEPT getting on my knees in 'downward dog' position. When I describe it to other people they chime in with "Yep. I live this."
I had my husband take me to the urgent care MD on the weekend for X-Rays. They show disc degeneration. No surprise. I suppose after ignoring it -- plus a few years of massive obesity, plus four pregnancies, losing all of the weight plus eating haphazardly and vitamin-deficiencies, it shouldn't be a surprise.
I was prescribed an anti-epileptic drug instead of a pain-medicine, at my request because I do not want to be sedated, and that I am epileptic.
Although as the doctor was describing the medication's side effects to me, he explained that it might cause "sedation, dizziness," and I stated, "... that it isn't like I do anything important anyway, I'm not using heavy machinery as it is."
I do not know that he got my seizure humor.
I don't feel much relief from a few days of this added medication -- and I do not feel that it will be of help to the pain, but there are more options. I think that I will need to use exercise somehow, because this, just isn't working.
I can't sit. I can't sleep.
I have a broken ass. I. am. old.