Posts categorized "Bariatric Eating" Feed

Atkins Frozen Meals in WalMart

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Hey, Atkins?  How did I not know about THESE?

Please to HAVE THEM IN MY WALMART, yesterday.  Or delivery?   Yes please?


I. live. on. frozen. meals.  

I am entirely serious:  

I purchase 2-3 meals for consumption 5-7 days a week, I am for about a 1200-1400 calorie intake.  I am not supposed to cook, unsupervised. <---- the link explains.

I am your target customer.  I spend days looking for lower-carb options.


Thanks!  *skips away*

Twinkpocalalypse! Hostess goes down!

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But, Twinkies are vitamins!  Right?  RIGHT?!  

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Twinkie Ingredients!


Review - Before & After, Second Revised Edition: Living and Eating Well After Weight-Loss Surgery

Before & After, Second Revised Edition: Living and Eating Well After Weight-Loss Surgery


Regurgitated Self-Importance Now With More Hate! 

Because one is never enough, or two, three? Susan Maria Leach Before + After, again? Again. With the same after photo.

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Are you confused yet?  

Because the first second? revised edition was not enough.   I suppose if you are writing a revised edition of your weight loss journey -- you might want to update your photograph from the first revised edition first edition?

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Another revisal.  I'll be sending it to Staten Island After I'm done, for kindling.  It's cold.

PS.  You know why I bought it, right?  Right.  I'll let you know.



This morning we went out to breakfast and I post a photo of my meal on Facebook.

I sometimes do this, often to The Greater Distress Of The Internet.  

I asked the waitress for a "Egg White Veggie Frittata" though she didn't ask me white kind of anything I wanted with it -- so it just CAME with white toast.  I would have asked for extra MEAT on the side or whole grain toast.  So, this is not my normal, I don't typically do white bread.  That said, What You See Is What You Get.  I Ate Teh Foodz.  I also ate, not shown, two slices of bacon, after tossing aside the nasty-ass turkey bacon that was offered with this frittata.

The internet gets distressed when Weight Loss Surgery Patients Eat Teh Food.  The SOLIDS.  The Not A Shake.  

We hear --

  • "Did you really eat that?"
  • "Can you eat that?"
  • "Should you eat that?"
  • "Can you really eat white bread?  Eggs?  Bacon?  Vegetables?  ______?"
  • "Did you really use butter?"
  • "OMG, COFFEE?"
  • "Wait, you use CREAM?"
  • "What, no PROTEIN SHAKE?"
  • "Wait --- THOSE ARE CARBS!?!"
  • "OMG TOAST?!?!?!??!?!??!?!??!?!?!??!?!"
  • "I thought we could not have bread?"
  • "But, I was told no TOAST?"
  • "My surgeon told me no BREAD FOR LYYYFFFFEEEE!!!!"
  • Etc, etc.. so forth, so on.  

I have been getting these comments for as long as I have been blogging my intakes on the internets.

I had one person even offer the suggestion that my epilepsy (at the time, not diagnosed...) was Due To The Fact That I Ate Carbohydrates More Than She Was Suggested.

Here's a couple of  random suggestions, y'all --


#2 - Some of us are many years post op, and food happens. Ask around, do you know many 5-8-10 year post gastric-bypass patients that subside on meal replacements?  <crickets> Right.  "Things change."  And, even though you may be TOLD that you are going to 'live on 1/4 cup of solids three times a day,' uh... that doesn't happen.  I am sorry.

I rarely share the reality of what actually goes in my gullet these days because for one -- it's so boring -- and because, wow, some of  Y'all Are Judgy!  You have to realize, at pushing nine years later -- it's back to food!  It's normal life!

Tell me.  What are you eating?   Are you willing to SHARE?   Let's start sharing.

Restaurant Discounts For Gastric Bypass Patients May Send Mixed Messages

Please do not give me a reason to patronize restaurants with low-quality food options.  MM needs no reason ON THIS EARTH to step foot in a Golden Corral, Olive Garden, Red Lobster, etc... EVER

Nor do MMs kids.  EVER.  I do not need a trough of pasta, fried seafood or oily iceberg lettuce based salad.

MM Does Not Endorse The Use Of WLS Discount Cards For Food.   We have to learn to eat like normal people.  Having an excuse to pay less for crappy food does not teach us anything.

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All of these reduced appetites might seem like bad news for the restaurant business, but surgeon-distributed food discount cards aim to make dining out cheaper and more practical for gastric bypass patients.

But is this kind of encouragement really a good idea?

To accommodate the patients' reduced stomach volumes, the cards, called WLS (Weight Loss Surgery) cards, ask restaurants to allow patients to order a smaller portion of food for a discounted price.

These cards aren't a new phenomenon — they've been around in the U.S. at least since the 1990s, and a similar discount programwas proposed to city council members in Campinas, Brazil, earlier this year. 

And like the surgery itself, the WLS cards have grown in popularity, says Ann Rogers, director at the Penn State Surgical Weight Loss Program. "Now there's so much word of mouth about it, that if we forget to give them out [after surgery], the patient says, 'What about those discount cards?' " Rogers says.

Some popular U.S. restaurants accept the cards. For example, Cracker Barrel restaurants allow patients to order from the inexpensive children's menu or order a lunch-sized portion for dinner. In a statement issued to the Salt, Olive Garden and Red Lobster restaurants say they are happy to do the same.

Even "all-you-can-eat" buffet restaurant Golden Corral provides a discounted buffet price upon seeing a proof-of-surgery card in some locations.

Though gastric bypass surgery leaves the patient with a stomach pouch only about the size of an egg, restaurants, especially buffets, still spell trouble for many patients. Unlimited portions and heavily processed, quickly digestible foods that keep patients from feeling full make it difficult to keep the weight off, says Rogers.

Golden Corral could not provide a spokesperson to respond to our inquiries, but it and other companies have made efforts in recent years to add healthier choices to their buffet offerings.

Even if the patient makes better choices, however, friends and family who come along may not do the same. "I definitely discourage patients from going to buffet-style restaurants — it's a danger for everybody," Rogers says.

In fact, Rogers says she discourages her patients from eating at any restaurant. So why distribute a discount card that seems to encourage dining out?

Rogers says it's OK for patients to use the WLS card and splurge at the buffet every once in a while, and the card also encourages them to order smaller meals at other restaurants. If patients make healthy choices about 75 percent of the time, they'll keep the weight off, she says.

But just as the buffet can have negative family health consequences, patients who are diligent about eating well a majority of the time can encourage healthy habits among friends and family. Rogers says patients who attend regular follow-up appointments, some featuring weigh-ins and healthy cooking classes, retain their lost weight about 70 percent of the time.

"For most of our patients, when the patients change their habits, it changes the eating habits of the whole household. It's pretty educational," she says.

Changing habits is critical, she says. It's a myth that the stomach surgery is a permanent weight loss cure. After surgery, "the [hunger] hormones go down and stay down for a year or two. But, slowly, the hunger starts to come back," Rogers says.


#malware #scam Bariatric Eating Susan Maria Leach Before + After BEHealthyDrinks + Book Release

Presented without commentary for your perusal.   

PS.  Susan, you might want to take back control of your social media.

Continue reading "#malware #scam Bariatric Eating Susan Maria Leach Before + After BEHealthyDrinks + Book Release " »

Bariatric Eating Media Tour is a-comin'! Can you feel the anticipation?

I am getting all tingly excited over the upcoming release of Susan Maria Leach's newly revised and updated book:  Before + After!  

"Susan Maria Leach maintains her new weight and devotes her time to motivating others to keep on track and sustain healthy patterns of diet and exercise not just for a short period after surgery but for life. She owns and operates and has opened her first nutrition store in Pompano Beach, Florida. Her company is a member of the corporate council of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery."


Check out -  its chock-full of helpful... malware?

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Check out the social media

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So. excited.

Thanks BE!  You rock!

Oh. Yes. She. Did.

Hold the Press Releases, Suz!  

How do you go from not paying your taxes, failure to ship orders since 2011, closing your store, foreclosure, shutting down all communication to... THIS?

Continue reading "Oh. Yes. She. Did." »

Three months and one week later.


Three months and two months ago, I ordered two separate times from Susan Maria Leach's Bariatric aka BEHealthyDrinks aka SML Network.

Continue reading "Three months and one week later." »

Susan Maria Leach Bariatric Eating Doesn't Ship Orders, But Asks FOR REVIEWS. 93 days.

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Click to enlarge.

By now I've received my order -- nice assumption!  

After this debacle, you expect a product review to be left in my name under your web store?  

Feel free to link to my already written reviews of the Believe Protein Lattes!

Susan Maria Leach Bariatric Eating Ships NEW Orders - But not yours. 92 days.


Continue reading "Susan Maria Leach Bariatric Eating Ships NEW Orders - But not yours. 92 days." »

Bariatric Eating Susan Maria Leach Network has no email, no phone, zero communication!

Susan Maria Leach of repeatedly suggests on her business Facebook page that she's missing customer information and customer orders because of a  "fingerquotes" technical failure. "/fingerquotes"

However, she offers no apology, and has blamed some customers. - "...we have already posted info regarding the status of the website that we have maintained for over nine years and the tech problems that caused a lot of problems for the company and our customers. We are happy to answer questions about bariatric surgery and bariatric eating on Facebook as it is social media but we will no longer entertain the drive by bashing by people who have malice as chief intent."

This might suggest that customers should re-send their information to the business, to re-submit orders that should have been shipped months ago.  Or perhaps she might be open to communication?

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Photo 4
That is if the EMAIL worked - I have emailed repeatedly  to various names with no response.  Yesterday's email - just bounced back -

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Or if the phone worked.   Call this number and tell me what happens to YOUR call.  

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  • You can't send an email.  
  • You can't leave a message.  

You try.  Let me know if ANY of these work for you!

Methinks she doesn't WANT communication.  

Day 91 and day 51. 

Bariatric Eating Susan Maria Leach Network in Foreclosure - Sorry, kids, you're never getting your money back.


Day EIGHTY NINE since I ordered from Bariatric Eating, and it became clear yesterday at 8:30am that I may never see my orders since Susan Maria Leach's business is now in various stages of foreclosure.

"If a property owner defaults on the payments of a loan a foreclosure of a claim of lien indicates a creditor may take legal action to acquire the collateral applied for the aforementioned loan. A number of states permit lenders to take possession of a property put up as collateral through strict foreclosure.

This means the lender may reclaim said property by declaring that the owner has missed payment/s on a loan. Other states need the lending entity to litigate and file a suit for foreclosure, and gain judgment prior to confiscating and selling off the property.

The amount attained from a foreclosure sale is primarily used to pay the associated debt, plus any related foreclosure expense. In case the proceeds are greater than the debt, the difference goes to the borrower. If the amount cannot cover the debt, a deficiency balance occurs. The lender may choose to go after other assets of the property owner.

They'll be taking the shelves, and I guarantee there is no product on those shelves to sell off.  BUT - If there's an auction sale, anyone want to field trip?

We all lose.  File a complaint with the FTC, you're never getting your product or your money back.

Thanks, SML

  • Gateway Lakes Commerce Center Association Inc v. Susan Maria Leach Inc 
  • Case No: COCE12013472
  • Filed in The 17th Judicial Circuit in and for Broward County Florida
  • On July 05, 2012, Gateway Lakes Commerce Center Association Inc filed a lawsuit in the 17th Circuit in and for Broward County Florida, County Civil East against Susan Maria Leach Inc.

SML will keep posting because her life is a bowl of cherries.  "There's nothing to see here, just move along, keep buying stuff!"


Call the popo, call the news. SML Susan Maria Leach Network Bariatric Eating Fraud

All orders from the old site are either shipping or being credited as per customer requests. We need info from some customers in order to proceed as tech meltdown affected database and have been privately dealing with our customers- all orders will be satisfied. We thank those who are actual customers for patience and kindness during our difficulties. We have been a real company for nine years and continue to be a real company.

Susan Maria Leach,

I have been asking for EIGHTY SEVEN DAYS, and even BEFORE THAT, for nothing more than communication and my two cases of Believe and box of protein bars.


Continue reading "Call the popo, call the news. SML Susan Maria Leach Network Bariatric Eating Fraud" »

What could it BE?

I just got a box!

Could it be?  After eighty-two days of waiting for my order(s) from Susan Maria Leach's Bariatric Eating - BEHealthy Drinks - whatever she's renaming it? 

*opens the box*  Be right back.

Bariatric Eating Out Of Business - She poses the question with the keywords.

To the countless individuals who have searched this term and variations thereof over the last few weeks, I will say this:

Continue reading "Bariatric Eating Out Of Business - She poses the question with the keywords." »

SML Susan Maria Leach Bariatric Eating New Store BEHealthyDrinks

Susan Maria Leach of the SML Network, and BEHealthyDrinks formerly of Bariatric Eating, you say you have a New Store and everything is in stock  (Hello, bullshit!) and ready to ship?  So what about your customers who have waited sixty, ninety or one hundred and twenty days or more for their "old" product that is obviously not in stock?


"Behealthydrinks focuses on top quality protein drinks and easy blending powders. Pure quality, whey protein isolate, with natural ingredients. All our products are are regularly tested for purity and manufactured in GMP certified and organic facilities."

Sure it does.  That is, if you were manufacturing it and not screwing your customers.  Hate me all you want.

72 days since my first order.  God knows how long since my second.  

Better Business Bureau rating of F.

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