Posts categorized "BBGC" Feed

What do you do when your voice is gone? Plus being a bully makes your health better, no wonder you look so good.

I have many, many faults.  I know this.  

Yesterday I found myself hockey checked off of a social network for a temporary ban.  Gasp!  Shock!  Horror!  You might think I did something awful to deserve the "jailing" but it sometimes works in reverse on social networks.  When a person outs a wrong or blows the whistle -- sometimes THAT PERSON -- in this case me gets tossed offline for saying the word.  

My theory about this: is that Facebook is so big, so many users, that it's team of eyeballs that look-over-the-things-that-offend-the-people cannot possibly fathom the Things That Offend Each End User Of It's Free Service.  

Even when someone like me -- gets a thinly veiled threat or not at all veiled -- and I re-post it -- I get the boot.

Hell, I could not even follow it.  All I knew is that someone posted they wanted me in the ground - there was a shovel and salt.  AND I DO NOT KNOW WHAT I DID TO DESERVE IT - aside from my last post.  Which is my TRUTH.  MY.  TRUTH. 

Soon, there were two dozen angry rabid post weight loss surgery patients, (some that were former members of my group, some that I did not know) jumping on a hate filled thread on Facebook -- name-calling and wanting me in a hole, too.  Why?  I have the thread.  It may or may not still be going.  I don't know.  It is painful to read.  I was called a bitch, a victim, and worse.

Download For beth aka melting mama

And for attempting to stand up for myself, I am the one in the Facebook slammah.  Facebook's popo clearly can't follow the chain of events and regard my actions as the problem.  The persons whom are actually at fault are publicly posting and GLOATING about their success in getting a person bullied offline.

One is accepting cash donations.  Why?  


So.  Here I am.  In jail.  Eating mush.  Getting violated.

Hey, I suppose I shouldn't knock it too hard, it's free delivered food, free clothes, and a place to sleep, with no kids to bother me - and do I have to pay taxes?  <g>

Might not be a bad idea.  Screw it.

I hope you feel better about yourself today.


  • Because inflammation is an underlying factor in so many chronic diseases, the fact that people in their early 20s are already showing signs of inflammation is a warning bell, Copeland adds. Using data from the larger study, his team will scrutinize other measures of adversity, such as the stress hormone cortisol, and epigenetic changes in which environmental factors affect the way genes are activated. The scientists will also look for biomarkers of more positive methods than bullying through which kids can increase their confidence and social standing.
  • This is why SO many bullied kids are FAT.  STOP IT.

Make it stop.

Please make me stop doing this. Want to know how?

Hey, don't judge, I don't see you trying.

Make a donation of ANY size to the Walk From Obesity!  We are SO close to goal, please help?  All donations are eligible for prizes from OAC via me.  Thanks!


That Day I Deleted the BBGC

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"Hi Beth, I got an email that BBGC changed to secret but the link didn't work and it is no longer on my group list. Do I need to re-signup? Also, why the change? Not that it matters to me, just curious.
Yesterday, this happened.
I should come with a warning label

It's time for a crash-course in Facebook group admininstration, kids!
If you have a large group on Facebook, don't click the "secret" button.  
You. can't. take. it. back. 

My BBGC group had nearly 3,000 members yesterday when we had a blip moment and I decided to make the group "secret" to slow membership for a short time.  Then, I realized, Facebook doesn't allow you to take your group OUT of secret-mode.  
You might ask:
  • "But, why wouldn't you want a secret group, isn't that a good thing?"
  • "Don't you talk about TMI?"
  • "That means my friends/family can't see what I post!"
First -- we need people to find us -- it's a support group.  What purpose does a support group serve without new members cycling IN and old members helping?  The cycle of WLS support is CONSTANT.  
We're on the internet, nothing is ever private.  Even in a secret group, consider this when posting anything, anywhere, ever.  
Yes, our group happens to be based on weight loss surgery so TMI topics happen in every 4th thread!  
We were always a "closed" group (...until I clicked 'secret') so the only people seeing what is posted in the group were group members.  Your family and Facebook connections won't see your posts about TMI unless they are also in the group.  
The BBGC was never meant to be an exclusive, secret WLS clique.  Because, no.  If you'd like one of THOSE, I can offer suggestions.

Otherwise we wouldn't have 3,000 members from all types of situations.  I apologize for the screw up.  But I do that.  A lot. 
Please find the new link here -- 1100 have already made it over!  
Go on - there's a $100 gift certificate up for grabs --  thanks for being kind.

#YWM2013 #walkfromobesity #gooddoesgood

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Check this out, there are only two teams signed up to "Walk From Obesity" during the #YWM2013 event.

It is the #BBGC and the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) Board Of Directors. 

*stifled giggles*

Where are you?  


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Please JOIN us to Walk?

If you can't make it, please consider a very small donation to make a very big difference.  

We've received one donation so far!  Thank you!  And the #BBGC donated $1000.00!  Help us help!

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Do good

Pout face.

This may be the first time that Team MMBBGC has done so poorly in fundraising for the local walk.

It is likely because Team MMBBGC is so very little ( really!  It is me, some out of towners that joined by accident, and that's it!) and Team MMBBGC has been pushing #YWM2013 bracelets hardcore and sort of let this Walk slide.


Remember, if I reach the goal, there are prizes, I gave away FOUR iPods/Wiis a couple months ago for our performance in 2012.

Please throw a buck in the pot.


9 Years Post Gastric Bypass.

April 5th, 2013 marks nine years since I had roux en y gastric bypass surgery at Tufts New England Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts.  I made it another year.  I am alive.  I  made it past your cash bets.

I am approximately five pounds above my very lowest post op weight, which I saw one year post op before I got pregnant and right before I bounced up to 175 lbs.  I will say this, my lower weight looks different the second time around.  That first low-weight crash post surgery looks like death-warmed over.  I look healthier now, and I think it's honestly because I eat food now and haven't had a massive weight loss like in 2004.  

People have asked me "What are you doing differently now?"  
  • Food journaling and keeping myself aware of the calories I take in.  I don't journal everyday, but I DO journal.
  • I stopped using soy milk, and swapped to unsweetened almond milk in my coffee and for whatever other "milk" uses I have.  I don't use dairy milk at all.
  • I quit my Starbucks habit pretty much altogether.  I get an iced coffee or cappuccino if someone else takes ME out for coffee, but it's rare, and definitely less than once a week.  Dunkin Donuts iced coffee, once a week.
  • No crackers.  If I must, one serving, with protein.
  • No potato chips, etc.  
  • No candy, only super dark 70%+ chocolate if I must have something.  One serving.
  • No protein bars, except to review them, unless I am REPLACING A MEAL with one.
  • No protein shakes, except to review them, unless I am REPLACING A MEAL with one.
  • This isn't "new" - but zero alcohol in my house.  It's just a rule.  If it's not here, I can't have it.  It's just the rule.
  • If there's one thing I have learned this year - it's that I can't graze without noting.  I can't just nibble all day long and expect that I won't see gains, because I do.  I gain very fast on relatively low calories.

I have also learned that giving up things I can't control - stressors - outside influences - people, even - helps.  I started losing the weight as soon as I made this connection.

Look at my weight loss timeline.  Look at the dates.

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 Now look at my regain photos from the last year - same timing.

 Seems easy enough, right?  


Let. it. go.

“You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy. So let them go, let go of them. I tie no weights to my ankles.”  â€• C. JoyBell C.

People CAN be TOXIC to your HEALTH.   Let. them. go.

(*Not the ones in this photo.  LOL.  But, I am also 25 lbs lighter SINCE these photos and the timeline.  It's a visual.)

Here's to YEAR ten.  It's a big one.  


Joan Rivers on Dr. Oz

So this surprised me.

I guess I didn't know much about the woman.

I was walking on the treadmill last night - and I saw this episode of Dr. Oz.  I have blogged before about Joan Rivers and her outright disgust for obese people (!!)  I wanted to be angry at her.

And then I really listened.

Watch the above link before you rant.

Watch it.  Come back.

Now.  Are you sad for her?  Are you sad?  Because this woman is a Weighty Secret.    She has zero self-esteem.  Zero self-confidence.  Listen to some of the things she says.   

"I loved it, it was fabulous."  -Weighty Secret, Joan Rivers re: Bulimia

She is one of us, just aged and faking hateful things.  

She needs a hug.

It's Joan Rivers uncensored! She talks candidly to Dr. Oz about her husband's suicide, her struggle with bulimia and the insecurities that drove her to plastic surgery. Plus, Joan's daughter Melissa exposes her junk-food habit.




Obesity Help National Conference 2013

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Wait up OH.

I thought we did the tenth a few years ago?  Talk to me.

Irvine, CA. (March 23, 2013) – Obesity Help -

ObesityHelp is excited to announce the 10th Annual ObesityHelp National Conference at the Crowne Plaza in Anaheim, California on October 4th and 5th, 2013. The ObesityHelp National Conference is a celebration of health and wellness for those navigating their weight loss surgery journey.  You’ll walk away inspired, motivated and with a larger support system than you started with. You will be part of change, gain knowledge from experienced professionals, and witness (or have your own) non-scale victories right at the conference.

Continue reading "Obesity Help National Conference 2013" »

Good DOES GOOD - #YWM2013 #BBGC Fundraiser

In 139 days the BBGC is descending upon Phoenix, Arizona for the #YWM2013 with the Obesity Action Coalition.  This is the 2nd Annual Event -- and we want to be a bigger part of it.  Last year several of us traveled to Dallas, Texas for the 1st Annual YWM Event and LOVED EVERY MINUTE of it.   Note:

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This year -- we decided we want to put a ring on it.  

In addition to fundraising for the Walk From Obesity (Walks From Obesities?  Plural... Remember last year - $7,300.) and doing good the Bariatric Bad Girls Club is sponsoring a portion of the #YWM2013 event. I implore YOUR business or group to do the same, it is a worthwhile cause.

To help the BBGC do good -- we are fundraising -- as I am just one person but together 

“One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn't as individuals. When we pool our strength and share the work and responsibility, we can welcome many people, even those in deep distress, and perhaps help them find self-confidence and inner healing.” 

― Jean Vanier

  • Our BBGC ink injected wristbands are black debossed silicone wristbands with HOT pink colored ink injected into the engraved letters.  Pretend they are below, cause my photo is NOT here yet.  
  • The bracelets are IN PRODUCTION  (I'm watching the tracking...) and will be SHIPPED AS SOON AS THEY ARRIVE.  You will receive a bracelet in a few weeks.
  • Alternatively if you DO NOT WANT A BRACELET and want to SUPPORT THE BBGC CAUSE, you may also simply donate directly to [email protected] at - below

Bet you forgot about this! Good does good gets good things. #BBGC

image from
Remember that time YOU donated to the Walk From Obesity in 2012 - and helped Team MMBBGC do THIS -

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I promised to give back the prizes that YOU helped me ( and Team MMBGC!) earn!

Look what we did!



Out of those who donated to Team MMBGC in 2012, I'll be picking WINNERS and posting them VERY SOON!  (It's a huge list!  THANK YOU!) Lucky!  Lucky!
