I am in week two of a very entry level math course for college. I haven't done any sort of math, beyond retail or grocery-store calculations since 1996. I suppose it might be frightening to know that yours truly was in fact, a Cash Office Manager for a retail store, and a banker at one time. Yes, that means, I was In Charge Of All The Monies. <shrug> I did okay.
But, I am not great with working out math problems on the page -- especially if they get wordy. "If a train leaves..." Yes, no. I cannot calculate. You want the interest on how many months of what kind of loan for who, why? I focus on the wrong details. I am too literal.
I just 'walked away' from my work before I threw it. I'm taking an assessment, and quite frustrated at this choice:
...because I'm using it. I don't know.
I haven't done this stuff since high-school, and opening the book and reading about it is like *blank stare* to me, and worser still is LISTENING to someone else discuss math? <crickets>
Worser-er? Is that in the time it took to open this blog page, click on compost, realize I had a chicken roasting in the oven, remove it, debone it and come back? The school's program timed out and I lost my work. Begin again.
But, in the way that I am a professional procrastinator, it's too late to start again, I'm too sleepy to attempt it and would likely fail the assessment entirely. If I'm going to fail, I want to DO IT BIG.