Posts categorized "flickr." Feed

, originally uploaded by Melting Mama.


, originally uploaded by bethography.


, originally uploaded by bethography.


Us., originally uploaded by bethography.

"Mama, weddings suck."

"Mama, weddings suck.", originally uploaded by bethography.

Yeah. She wasn't thrilled about anything yesterday. Though, (and the photographers' shots will show this, maybe, because I got nothing) she was pretty freaking cute during the ceremony. Why? (She wasn't supposed to do this.) But, she pulled two pink roses out of her flower-girl arrangement and "presented" one to my husband while he was standing in the line of groomsmen, ran back to her seat, got the other rose, and "presented" one to me while I stood with the bridesmaids.

Although she wasn't supposed to do it - it looked like it was planned, and it was adorable. I'm not sure anyone else there thought so, because it was slightly distracting, but, whatever. She was all "Hi, Mama! Hi, Daddy!"

Half a spa day.

DSC_0176, originally uploaded by bethography.

I got half-pampered. I cut my spa-day down by half to make it home in time for the bus, and missed it anyways. My nine and nearly eight year old were home alone for six minutes. If you live here, and saw me traveling the five minutes home from the salon at 65 MPH, I'm sorry, I had to make it home before they called DSS on their mom who abandoned them to get her hair did, mkay?

I'm aggravated, because, I wanted acrylic nails done, and they wouldn't let me pay to add them to my "day." But, whatever, I liked the makeup while it was fresh! It made me feel better knowing that she used a hell of a lot more foundation than I'd ever use. It came off on a tissue like crazy, when I patted my face. The eyes looked so good at first, that I bought the eyeshadow that she used. Turns out it's just from "Bedhead" and it's a color palette I'd never choose, but it works, because it's so neutral.

Oh - yeah - the hair got blondish. You noticed that. It's highlights, through a cap, and toned. The cut, is basically the same --- as usual, razor and chipped.

So, we're nearly ready for this shindig - I got a sheer scarf thingie to wear during the ceremony, and my skin is nearly dark enough from the tanning booth that I don't look dead.

Oh to be a freaking girl. GAWD. Bob says, "Well, I have to pick up my tux tomorrow. ::sigh"

Food, I hate you. (A letter to my former friend.)

To My Former Friend, Food:

I hate you.  No, I don't just hate you, I loathe you.  I'm writing this letter to let you know, it's so over.

You make me sick.  Nearly every day, you make me sick. 

Even though I thought I only associated with "good" friends with healthy attributes, even you Make Me Sick. 

For a very long time, I thought that it was my fault for hanging out with the "wrong crowd."  Realistically, though, I'm hanging with the right crowd, the "right cliques," but even then, the "popular, thin, healthy kids" make me sick in some way. 

So, what do we surmise from this, my friends?  You, food, are the enemy.  I do not need you in my life, you're making it difficult.

What's that?  I have to eat?  Well, that just sucks. 

I guess I can try to find new friends?  But, who?  I've tried being friendly with everybody, and they all want to beat me up, and frankly, they tire me out.  Who has time for friends if they're sleepy all the time?  And, who wants to be friends with someone who only wants to puke on them?  I'm just being real here.  I'm sorry.  It's over.  It's not you it's me, no, wait, it's me, but your fault, no, that's not it... it's my stupid messed up digestive system.


420 Dealer?

420 Dealer?, originally uploaded by Melting Mama.

Sunny day, sweeping the clouds away...

It's spring!  It's spring! It's spring!  They're outside!  OUTSIDE!  OUT-SIDE!

It's warm!  Warm enough, even, that the heat turned down.  That should help the nearly $600.oo in gas bill we got this month.  (There was an administrative error on the gas companies part, and they weren't posting payments to the right account number with our online payments.  When I opened the bill, I nearly died, and I was immediately looking for jobs again.) 

Mood stone.

Mood stone., originally uploaded by Melting Mama.

Blue is supposed to mean happy.

NutriSystem Chicken Ala King - From my Flickr Group - Weighty Matters.

Are you hungry?! Not anymore I'd bet. Nutrisytem feeds you vomit!

Things you can control.

, originally uploaded by Melting Mama.

The boy had a baby tooth up front that he wouldn't take out. It had been wiggling since the summer, and it was nearly dangling. I'd snuck in his room, hoping I could pop it out while he slept, but every time I thought about it, I'd quit, thinking he'd choke. The couple of times he allowed me to move it, I'd noticed it was really getting stuck in the gums with his new adult tooth pushing through. I thought for certain this child would have the tooth forever, he wouldn't let it go. (He's very much a wee Peter Pan.) But, last week, he was on the playground roughousing with his "boys." Someone knocked into his head, and OUT came the tooth, bloody and yucky. He brought it home in a little blue treasure box from the school nurse, and proudly showed it off. This tooth was, THE LONGEST, I'd ever seen. Thankfully now, his front teeth have immediately fallen into place, and his smile is improved. He'd been hiding it for months, because kids probably asked him why he wouldn't take out the extra tooth. That was in his control. Guess I need a new photo of the boy now.


, originally uploaded by Melting Mama.

It's just a little saturation effect, I'm not really That Bright.

10/30/2006 195 lbs. Starting point for "rediet"... ten days post partum

Okay, so there is a slight difference. This is me four + months ago.