Posts categorized "Nutrition" Feed

Virtually Anorexic

Virtually Anorexic -

An alarming number of young women are using dangerous pro-anorexia websites that encourage users to "starve for perfection," according to a new study.

This - is even prevalent in the WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY COMMUNITY.  

Shocking?  No.  Not at all.    

You must realize that so many bariatric patients are ED patients in recovery (...or not!) and some many are seeking to be accepted and to get acceptance of their behaviors and ...


What's a Food Industry to Do? Yoni Freedhoff gets UNINVITED from food industry conference

What's a Food Industry to Do?

  • Doctor gets uninvited from food industry conference.   BECAUSE?  Of this video.
  • Here's what he would have said 
  • Dr. Sharma writes --  " Yoni Freedhoff posted a short video on YouTube, which has since gone viral (congratulations my friend!).  The gist of the story (but please check it out for yourself), is that Big Food is preying on kids by promoting unquestionably unhealthy processed foods with deceptive (not to say nonsensical) health claims.  But, as he hastens to point out, this is not the fault of the food industry.  Rather he puts the blame squarely on the shoulders of the politicians and regulators for not creating a level playing field for food producers, that sets clear boundaries to what they can and cannot do to promote their products (especially to kids!)."

The Biggest Loser Season 14 Returns ... with kids?

I was just passively listening to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, when I noticed the human product placement of Jillian Michaels into the NBC parade line-up, and then the commercials started:  

Now we can warp the thinking of a whole new generation of obese kids.  

My 15 year old shook her head, stood up, and left the room.

Continue reading "The Biggest Loser Season 14 Returns ... with kids?" »

Can sugar make you stupid? Studies point to yes.


Can sugar make you stupid?  

Oh dear.   

If the following study regarding the ingestion of sugar and cognition is true -- I should be gaining brains instead of losing them -- considering that I eat about 95% less of the sweet stuff since I had roux en y gastric bypass surgery.  

However as we all know, *MY brains are very special since I had weight loss surgery.   

The combination of a high-sugar intake and a lack of Omega-3 Fatty Acids caused brain fail in rats!  

What about... us?  What if poor diet causes brain issues that aren't reversible?  This intrigues me.

National Geographic -

 Sweet drinks scrambled the memories and stunted learning in lab rats in a new study—leading to "high concern" over what sugary diets may do to people, according to neuroscientist Fernando Gomez-Pinilla. (Read more about memory from National Geographic magazine.)

 For the study, Gomez-Pinilla's team first trained rats to successfully navigate a maze, giving them only water and standard rat chow for five days. During the following six weeks, the rats' water was replaced with syrups that were 15 percent fructose.

"Most sodas people consume are about 12 percent sugar, so imagine if you drank soda with sugar added instead of water," said Gomez-Pinilla, of the University of California, Los Angeles.m

During the six-week period, half the rodents were also given flaxseed oil and fish oil—both rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These antioxidants may protect against damage to chemical connections in the brain called synapses, past research suggests.

After six weeks of the fructose syrup, all the rats were slower at running the maze. However, those that had received omega-3s were slightly faster than their counterparts.

By studying the dissected brains of the study rats, the researchers determined that the high-fructose diets had sabotaged the ability of synapses to change, a key factor in learning. The sugary drinks had also disrupted the sugar-regulating protein insulin in a brain area called the hippocampus, which play a role in memory formation in both rats and humans.t

"I was very shocked to see how strong an effect these diets could have on the brain—I have high concern that the foods people eat can really affect mood and cognition," Gomez-Pinilla said.

Study Abstract -

We pursued studies to determine the effects of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) in brain, and the possibilities to modulate these effects by dietary interventions. In addition, we have assessed potential mechanisms by which brain metabolic disorders can impact synaptic plasticity and cognition.
We report that high-dietary fructose consumption leads to increase in insulin resistance index, insulin and triglyceride levels, which characterize MetS. Rats fed on an n-3 deficient diet showed memory deficits in Barnes Maze, which were further exacerbated by fructose intake.
In turn, n-3 deficient diet and fructose interventions disrupted insulin receptor signaling in hippocampus as evidenced by a decrease in phosphorylation of insulin receptor and its downstream effector Akt.
We found that high fructose consumption with n-3 deficient diet disrupts membrane homeostasis as evidenced by an increase in the ratio of n-6/n-3 fatty acids and levels of 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), a marker of lipid peroxidation.
Disturbances in brain energy metabolism due to n-3 deficiency and fructose treatments were evidenced by a significant decrease in AMPK phosphorylation and its upstream modulator LKB1 as well as a decrease in Sir2 levels. The decrease in phosphorylation of CREB, synapsin I and synaptophysin (SYP) levels by n-3 deficiency and fructose shows the impact of metabolic dysfunction on synaptic plasticity. All parameters of metabolic dysfunction related to the fructose treatment were ameliorated by the presence of dietary n-3 fatty acid.
Results showed that dietary n-3 fatty acid deficiency elevates the vulnerability to metabolic dysfunction and impaired cognitive functions by modulating insulin receptor signaling and synaptic plasticity.


U.S. Obesity Rates by State -

This is a bit terrifying.  America's weight problem is  obvious -- 35 % of us are overweight or obese with a BMI greater than or equal to 30.   Welcome to the United States of Bariatric Surgery.  I call it.

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently mapped out the percentage of obese Americans by state using 2011 data, finding that greater percentages of obese people tend to reside in the south.
  • In fact, 34.9 percent of Mississippi residents were considered to be obese in 2011, making it the most obese state in America. Colorado, on the other hand, had the lowest percentage of obese citizens, at 20.7 percent.
  • While this number falls far under the national average, not a single state had fewer than 20 percent obese residents.

CDC Obesity  -


Continue reading "U.S. Obesity Rates by State - " »

Is Sugar Toxic?

I don't know HOW I missed this episode of 60 Minutes.

And here I go, down the rabbit hole of carbohydrate paranoia once again and feel tempted to throw away EVERYTHING in my kitchen and snort Splenda again. Watch with me?  Hold me?

Dr. Sanjay Gupta reports on new research showing that beyond weight gain, sugar can take a serious toll on your health, worsening conditions ranging from heart disease to cancer.

Is sugar toxic?

Nasogastric Tube Feeding Crash Diet for Brides and More! Get one! O-o

Feeling a little chubby before your big day?  Are you horrified that you might waddle down the aisle on your wedding day?  Is your fiancee upset by your love-handles?  

Forget your typical crash diets, forget the Weight Watchers, nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, Slim-Fast, Medifast, The Cookie Diet, even drinking horse urine... you can now --

...GET A FEEDING TUBE!   The K-E Diet costs $1500 for ten days and those willing to wear a tube in their nose 24-7 will be rewarded with weight loss of up to 20 pounds.


A nasogastric tube better known as a NG tube, is a tiny flexible tube that carries calories/medicines medicine to the stomach through the nose.   It is often used for tiny infants who cannot take in enough nutrition on their own, and those who can't - for a variety of reasons - ingest solids for an extended period of time.  Sometimes bariatric surgery patients require a tube-feed if they become malnourished due to a functional issue with the weight loss surgery procedure.   At times a NG Tube is used due to a psychological inability to take in oral calories, and malnourishment.  It's usually for REFEEDING, not WEIGHT LOSS.

Such as eating disorders like anorexia -

  • The patient is less than or equal to 85% ideal body weight (IBW).
  • The patient has experienced greater than 1 month severe restriction (less than 500 calories per day) prior to admission.
  • The patient is severely restricting fluid intake and needs the NG tube to maintain hydration status.

No longer a is a nasogastric tube for the medically fragile person, it's for the crash dieter!  How, exciting?  Go, get one?  (Please understand my level of sarcasm here.)

An article in the NY times shares a variety of crash-diets for the Bride-To-Be, including the tube feeding option which is something new to the United States.

Dr. Oliver R. Di Pietro has been offering what he calls a K-E diet at his modest clinic in Bay Harbor Islands, Fla., since last July.

It uses a nasogastric tube (a tube that goes through the nose and down the esophagus into the stomach) to provide all nourishment, with no carbohydrates for 10 days. Dr. Di Pietro said body weight is lost quickly through ketosis, the state in which the body burns fat rather than sugar. 

“Any extreme low-calorie diet is associated with side effects, kidney stones, dehydration and headaches,” Dr. Aronne said, “and if you lose muscle mass and water, what’s the point of that?”

Dr. Scott Shikora, the director of the Center for Metabolic Health and Bariatric Surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, said: “Putting a tube in one’s nose, it’s not always comfortable and pleasant. And this has to be medically supervised.”

Dr. Shikora was the director of Bariatric Surgery at the hospital I had my gastric bypass at 8 years ago, and was also the President of the ASBMS a couple years ago.  He knows how to help people lose weight.  

Dr. Shikora also said any caloric restriction will lead to weight loss.

“The novelty is, they shove a tube in your nose,” he said.  â€œIt doesn’t matter if it’s through a tube, a straw, a meal plan,” he said. “They all work, if someone goes from 3,000 calories a day to 800.”

Which is why WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY WORKS.  What do WLS patients do?  We go from 3000+ calories per day to 0 calories, to about 500-800 calories for many months.  WLS can be described the most severe crash diet you ever go on.

Tube feeding -- delicious.   Makes me want to go get one to lose my last 20+ lbs.  o-O  I am sure people whom have had to have a NG tube, or had to help a child or family member with one... would just love to try that again. 

PS.  Edited to add.  If you've already HAD weight loss surgery, do not even THINK about it.

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Are you still beating yourself up? Self-Compassion...

Screen Shot 2011-11-29 at 7.24.19 AMThanksgiving was nearly a week ago, and I'd bet that some of you are still concerned with your behavior on THAT DAY. 

"I can't believe I..."

Stop. it.

Are you holding grudges against yourself?  Are you hating on your own choices on that day --- and the days following?  How do you manage a full "holiday season" of temptations?

What about learning be be a little kinder to yourself -- do you think that would help? 

(MM is NODDING YES, BECAUSE, YES!  Because... yes.)  And, in our weight loss surgery community, THERE IS A WHOLE HELL OF A LOT OF SELF-LOATHING in regards to choices one makes.

I am bad in a whole lot of people's eyes in our community, for a variety of reasons and also because:  I have a logo that contains THE INSINUATION OF A CUPCAKE, y'all.  Food is not bad.  People are not bad.  It's all choices and how you handle situations.  /end rant

Take this quiz from Jean Fain, that I found on HuffPo this morning:

The Self-Compassionate Eating Quiz

This quiz measures your current state of self-compassion by helping you assess your mental, emotional, and physical reaction to diet, weight, and body image. When you can find a quiet moment away from distractions, take a pen or pencil and sit down to reflect on how compassionate you are toward yourself.

Check eight statements that come closest to reflecting your general experience. That is, they should reflect how you most often feel in the situation described.

___ 1. When I eat something "bad," like a donut, I can't stop thinking about how I've blown it.
___ 2. After an indulgent weekend, I trust myself to rein in my eating.
___ 3. I often feel alone with my eating issues, but I know I'm not.
___ 4. When I eat junk food, I try not to beat myself up too much.
___ 5. I may feel uncomfortable if I'm bloated or a few pounds heavier, but it doesn't stop me from enjoying social activities.
___ 6. I might never love my body, but I know I'd like it better 10 pounds lighter.
___ 7. No one struggles with eating like I do.
___ 8. I don't trust myself to eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full, but I'd like to learn.
___ 9. I can get down on myself when I'm bloated or a few pounds heavier, but I'll still go out in baggy clothes.
___ 10. Paying attention to my hunger makes me want to eat, so I try to ignore it.
___ 11. I'm always interested in what my body has to say about hunger and fullness.
___ 12. If I lose one to two pounds per week, I'll never reach my goal weight.
___ 13. I'd like to jumpstart my weight loss with a crash diet and then eat healthfully.
___ 14. I didn't stick to my eating plan the whole weekend; all my weight-loss efforts are for nothing.
___ 15. When I eat something less than healthful, I try to savor it all the same.
___ 16. I really indulged myself over the weekend; I'm afraid to step on the scale.
___ 17. When I feel bloated or especially fat, I won't leave the house.
___ 18. After overeating, I feel like punishing myself, but I know restricting and purging only make me feel worse.
___ 19. Overeating is a signal to care for myself more, not less.
___ 20. After I overeat, self-punishment (restricting food intake and/or purging, vomiting, or over-exercising) is the only thing that makes me feel better.
___ 21. My weight takes care of itself when I feed myself delicious, nutritious food.
___ 22. When I'm overweight, I feel gross; I hate my body.
___ 23. Everybody overeats and feels stuffed on occasion.
___ 24. I love and respect my body.

Scoring Sheet

Give yourself 1 point per statement for checking any of the following:
1, 7, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20, 22.
Subtotal: _______

Give yourself 2 points per statement for checking any of the following:
3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 13, 16, 18.
Subtotal: _______

Give yourself 3 points per statement for checking any of the following:
2, 5, 11, 15, 19, 21, 23, 24.
Subtotal: _______

Total Score: _____ Date: _____ / _____ / _____

Your Score and What to Make Of It

When it comes to self-compassion, 0-8 means you're sorely lacking, and you seriously need to go easier on yourself; 9-16, you've got some, but you could use some more; 17-24, you've got way more than the average American dieter, so you're in good shape. However, you can never have too much self-compassion.

Even if you're already pretty kind to yourself, know that even a slight increase in self-compassion can brighten your worldview, give you more emotional balance, help you get a handle on your eating and facilitate sustainable weight loss. (That is, if you are trying to lose weight.)


Black + White Quinoa Dressing With Butternut Squash and Pecans for the holidays!

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Quinoa.  You're not eating it yet, are you?  Here is a recipe worthy of your Aunt's holiday table and your post WLS belly.

World's Healthiest Foods -

Not only is quinoa high in protein, but the protein it supplies is complete protein, meaning that it includes all nine essential amino acids. Not only is quinoa's amino acid profile well balanced, making it a good choice for vegans concerned about adequate protein intake, but quinoa is especially well-endowed with the amino acid lysine, which is essential for tissue growth and repair. In addition to protein, quinoa features a host of other health-building nutrients. Because quinoa is a very good source of manganese as well as a good source of magnesium, iron, copper and phosphorus, this "grain" may be especially valuable for persons with migraine headaches, diabetes and atherosclerosis.

Black and White Quinoa Dressing With Butternut Squash and Pecans -

Source - NY Times

The light-colored version of quinoa is a fluffier grain than the black version, so it’s almost as if there are two completely different grains in this colorful mixture.

  • 1 cup regular (golden) quinoa
  • 3/4 cup black quinoa
  • 5 1/4 cups water, chicken stock or vegetable stock
  • Salt to taste
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 3/4 pound butternut squash, cut in small dice
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 1 cup diced celery
  • 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 cup lightly toasted pecans, coarsely chopped
  • 1/3 cup dried cranberries
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh sage
  • Freshly ground pepper to taste

1. Keeping the quinoas separate, wash in several changes of water. In separate saucepans, combine the golden quinoa with 3 cups water or stock and the black quinoa with 2 1/4 cups water or stock. Add salt to taste, bring to a boil, cover and simmer 15 to 25 minutes, until the quinoa is tender and the grains display a coiled thread. The black quinoa takes longer to cook, and the thread will not pop out of all of the grains. Drain through a strainer and return both quinoas together to one of the pots. Place a clean kitchen towel over the pot and return the lid. Let sit while you prepare the other ingredients.

2. Heat 1 tablespoon of the oil over medium-high heat in a large, heavy skillet and sauté the squash, stirring often, until it is tender and lightly browned, 15 to 20 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper and transfer to a bowl. Turn the heat down to medium and add the remaining oil and the onion. Cook, stirring often, until the onion begins to soften, about 3 minutes, and add a generous pinch of salt and the celery and thyme. Cook, stirring often, for 3 minutes, until the onion is completely tender and the celery is just tender, and add the garlic. Stir over medium heat until the garlic smells fragrant, 30 seconds to a minute, and transfer to the bowl with the squash. Add the quinoa and the remaining ingredients and stir together. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Transfer to an oiled or buttered baking dish and cover with foil.

3. Warm for 20 to 30 minutes in a 325-degree oven before serving.

Yield: Makes about 7 cups, serving 12 to 14.

Advance preparation: The entire dish can be made up to 2 days ahead. Cooked quinoa will keep for 3 or 4 days in the refrigerator and can be frozen.

Nutritional information per serving (12 servings): 173 calories; 1 gram saturated fat; 2 grams polyunsaturated fat; 4 grams monounsaturated fat; 0 milligrams cholesterol; 24 grams carbohydrates; 3 grams dietary fiber; 13 milligrams sodium (does not include salt to taste); 4 grams protein.


Celebrate Vitamins Multi-Complete Chewable with Iron - ORANGE

323522_2375149292790_1072296476_2628755_330138009_oA box from Celebrate Vitamins just arrived.  I opened it within seconds of it's drop at my door because I love mail. 

Seeing the Fed Ex or UPS man makes Beth a happy girl. (When you don't get out much, it takes little to please you.  Don't discuss this.)

In the box, a bottle of Celebrate Multi-Complete Chewable with Iron (Orange) which is a brand-new flavor from Celebrate!

Now.  Let's talk.

My favorite Celebrate Multi in terms of TASTE is the PINEAPPLE STRAWBERRY.  I would do bad things to get more.  I adore these chewables.

But, this -- this chewable -- is a multivitamin complete!  That means -- it's got iron in it.  36 grams of the good stuff. 

It's formulated particularly for gastric sleeve patients, but gastric bypass patients could also take it to avoid taking a separate iron supplement. 

You know your WLS is getting more special when you get your own vitamins.  Mmm hmm!

Continue reading "Celebrate Vitamins Multi-Complete Chewable with Iron - ORANGE" »

2011 WLS Award Winners - Weight Loss Surgery Community Awards - Thanks Diva!

Each year, DivaTaunia has a WLS Awards, and last night we did it -- THANK YOU Taunia!

On November 7th, 2011, we announced the winners for the 2nd Annual Backstage Pass WLS Awards. The community nominated their favorites, and the top three nominees in each category were then up for public voting.  All of the winners from this program were voted in by their friends, peers, and colleagues in the WLS Community!

THE 2011 NOMINEES AND WINNER LIST is below -- winners in each category are highlighted/boldfaced.  I am attempting to link all -- as it appears many are YouTube folks -- some I don't know -- and then it's the Eggy show!  



Thankfully I really, really like her.  Bahahaha.   READ ON FOR ALL THE LINKS!

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Continue reading "2011 WLS Award Winners - Weight Loss Surgery Community Awards - Thanks Diva!" »

Top 10 Healthy Convenience Foods (That You Probably Have in the Pantry?)

Picture 70 Via Fooducate -

"It’s time for a food attitude adjustment; convenience is not just limited to low-nutrient food choices. Plenty of healthy foods can be easily stored and whipped up in minutes in the time it would take you to pick up takeout.  The supermarket is home to a number of convenient whole foods that can help you turn out healthy meals in minutes; here are my top picks." 

Go look in your kitchen, I bet you have most of this "list" already.  

I have 90% of it.  However, EATING IT is another thing, right?  I mean, I HAVE it at my disposal, but do I CHOOSE these items if there are other options near them?  Erm, no.  

The answer?  Get the other options out of sight, or don't even HAVE THEM IN THE HOUSE, Mama.    (Common sense - IT WORKS.  Do I always use it?  Heh. No.)

*going to check my bare bones kitchen (my kids were on vacation for two weeks, and I went away, this house is void of food) for...*

Continue reading "Top 10 Healthy Convenience Foods (That You Probably Have in the Pantry?)" »

Focus28 Launches Newly-Designed Diet and Weight Loss Website

Long ago, like in 2008-2009, in a land far away here, I tried quite a few of the products from the Focus28 line.  I can point you to the exact products I really enjoyed, and where to find them.   

I even ate eggs, and that's a miracle.  

Continue reading "Focus28 Launches Newly-Designed Diet and Weight Loss Website" »

How much do fruits and vegetables COST?



Yes, we say it, and now it's been studied. 

I find this stuff fascinating, even if I basically fail at life when it comes to fulfilling the fruit and vegetable component of a healthy diet.  I don't eat hardly ANY fruit in any form, and vegetables, some, but not enough, and fibrous foods not cooked to death make me want to scrape my intestines out with a potato peeler!  But, don't you dare tell me how much cheese costs per edible cup!  I know, I know.  Even if I love my greens, I don't love the bowel death.  I puffy heart my WLS!


Anyway - for someone who actually EATS - you know - food?

How Much Do Fruits and Vegetables Cost?

By Hayden Stewart, Jeffrey Hyman, Jean C. Buzby, Elizabeth Frazão, and Andrea Carlson

Economic Information Bulletin No. (EIB-71) 37 pp, February 2011

What Is the Issue?

Federal dietary guidance advises Americans to consume more vegetables and fruits because
most Americans do not consume the recommended quantities or variety. Food prices, along
with taste, convenience, income, and awareness of the link between diet and health, shape food
choices. This research updates previous estimates of vegetable and fruit prices, and estimates
the cost of satisfying recommendations for adult vegetable and fruit consumption in the 2010
Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

What Are the Major Findings?

We estimated the average retail prices of 153 fresh and processed vegetables and fruits, where
processed includes frozen, canned, and dried vegetables and fruits as well as 100% fruit juice. We also estimated the average price per edible cup equivalent for each vegetable and fruit. This is the consumption unit used in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and measures only the edible portion of a food once it has been cooked or otherwise prepared for consumption. In 2008:

• An adult on a 2,000-calorie diet could satisfy recommendations for vegetable and fruit
consumption (amounts and variety) in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans at an average
cost of $2 to $2.50 per day, or approximately 50 cents per edible cup equivalent.

• The lowest average price for any of the 59 fresh and processed fruits included in the study
was for fresh watermelon, at 17 cents per edible cup equivalent. The highest average price
was for fresh raspberries, at $2.06 per edible cup equivalent.

• The lowest average price for any of the 94 fresh and processed vegetables included in the
study was for dry pinto beans, at 13 cents per edible cup equivalent. The highest average
price was for frozen asparagus cuts and tips, at $2.07 per edible cup equivalent.

• Processed fruits and vegetables were not consistently more or less expensive than fresh
produce. Canned carrots (34 cents per edible cup equivalent) were more expensive than
whole fresh carrots eaten raw (25 cents per edible cup equivalent). However, canned
peaches (58 cents per edible cup equivalent) were less expensive than fresh (66 cents per
edible cup equivalent).

• Retail prices per pound often varied substantially from prices per edible cup equivalent. Fresh broccoli florets and fresh ears of sweet corn both sold for around $1.80 per pound at retail stores, on average. After boiling and removing inedible parts, however, the sweet corn cost almost twice as much as the broccoli florets ($1.17 vs. 63 cents per edible cup equivalent).

Costs in the study are defined as the average prices paid by all American households for a food over a 1-year period, including purchases in different package sizes, under different brand names, and at different types of retail outlets (including, among others, supercenters such as Wal-Mart, wholesale club stores such as Costco, “traditional” grocers such as Safeway, Kroger, and Albertsons, and convenience stores).

How Was the Study Conducted?

We used 2008 Nielsen Homescan data to calculate the average price of a pound (or, for juices, a pint) of 153 fresh and processed fruits and vegetables at retail stores. In order to estimate price per edible cup equivalent for each food, retail quantities were adjusted for the removal of inedible parts and cooking that occur prior to consumption. For example, 1 pound of store-bought fresh pineapple yields 0.51 pound of edible pineapple. Data from the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference (Release 21) and USDA’s Food Yields Summarized by Different Stages of Preparation were used to estimate edible weights. The MyPyramid Equivalents Database, 2.0 was used to define edible cup equivalents.


For more information, contact: Hayden Stewart, Jeffrey Hyman, Jean C. Buzby, Elizabeth Frazão, and Andrea Carlson

Web administration: [email protected]

Updated date: February 1, 2011

Picky Eating After Weight Loss Surgery -- A Ramble.

My mother in law had a little WLS Support Group get-together today, she brought in a pair of dieticians to discuss nutrition and eating post surgery.  (I'd like to share their website with you -- but the link is not functioning, I will get ahold of it during the week.)

Now aside from the prep and sharing of food ideas, one of the dieticians said, that there is ROOM for EVERYTHING in your diet.  It's about choices, and making room for what you NEED and fitting in a little of what you REALLY WANT.

So there.  And, I told her that I'd quote her on that.

What do you need?  Follow your post surgical diet plan.  What do you want?  Well?  How far post op are you?  What can your body handle?  What is the benefit of a certain WANT?  Will it bring nutrition to your diet?  Can you deal with just a taste of something?  Do you understand limits?

I was pleased with their food prep, of real foods with fresh ingredients, and I again thought to myself that I'd eat a whole lot better if someone else did the work. Come to ME, chop, grind, mix, blend, cook and freeze with me.  We will eat like kings all week!  (I think they actually offer that service.  And if I could afford it, I'd sign up.)

Sorry, that's my honest reaction.  I do not enjoy cooking much at all.  It's enough that I don't bother, and simply settle for another turkey sandwich.  It always seems to circle back to the fact that I can't seem to please anyone else's palate in this household. (And, that pesky epilespy patient holding a sharp knife near the stove bit.)

If I WANT a bowl of Kale Soup -- I am eating it alone -- for days and days.   And, then I dump it out.

Then, I have at least two boys staring at me waiting for carbs and meat, please, or meat and carbs, please.  I can't make my actual boy-child live on frozen Smart Ones Dinners, even if it pleases him so to revert to those if I can't get him to eat food with colors.   PICKY isn't even the word here. 


Mr. MM was AT this group today -- he wouldn't even LOOK at the foods prepared.  No, that's a fib, he held a plate and gagged at the thought of trying one of the items.  He later ate plain crackers, while there were 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6! different items to try.  He's never been one to try anything new.  I've basically bribed him into each new food choice, including COFFEE, which now is his addiction along with simple carbs.  He tells me now -- seven years post op -- that he used to eat nothing but cold cereal as a kid.  Thanks.  This would have been helpful to know like... four hundred years ago when I begged you to try... RICE... that wasn't "fried rice from Chinese Take Out, but only the brown kind drowned in duck sauce."  Seriously.  He ate nothing.  But, got to 370 lbs.  Now?  Same thing, smaller body.  He eats nothing out of his repetoire, unless asked to or served.

The kids tend to be like him.  Carbs, meat, plain, please.  With ketchup.  A bowl or all of it.  Please.

My girls will at least attempt foods that might be green, or red or orange or with beans or with sauces or in broth.  The boys won't touch anything that ... well... touches. 

"Is there GRAVY ON THIS MEATLOAF?  Because if there is?  I can't eat it."

I guess it could be beneficial for implementing majority rules here.  Since I tend to do most of the food preparation, I could very well just MAKE what I want.  I never have.  The option for kids that don't "want it" -- is usually -- oatmeal or cereal.  (It doesn't work.  It's a fail.)  But, now that two kids are old enough to really just make themselves something, it's basically whatever they can scrounge up. 

But, the disgusted reactions to whole foods -- really surprises me -- from my kids and peers alike.

"Ick.  That's a bean.  OMG, that's a.... I can't eat that.  Get it off my plate.  Hmm, what about this hot-dog?" 

We are SO PICKY, all of us. (Maybe not YOU, but... you!)

You would think that picky would lead to skinny, no?  Why are so many obese and formerly obese people, sooooooo.... picky?

"What, a tomato/onion/sweet potato/spinach leaf?  I can only eat crackers and cheese.  What else do you have?  Eww, that's... meat, I can only drink Gladiator Smoothies from Jamba Juice.  Sorry.  That's all my stomach will handle."

I notice this issue in our WLS community -- and it's HUGE!  People that simply don't like food, or trying anything, or moving beyond the known. 

I think we fall into different categories before and after our weight loss procedures.  Some people continue to be foodies, explorers and lovers of foods, while some people become very neutral and food becomes fuel only either because they've trained themselves to think that way, or they may have had a negative experience learning to eat again, but some become highly emotionally reactive to the food. 

I notice in my experience that some of the very pickiest eaters post weight loss surgery are VERY emotionally involved in the choices they make. 

I think we could have a label for damn near anything that comes in a wrapper -- if it's eaten emotionally and not for hunger --

  • Ritz Crackers = Stress, nervousness...
  • Cheez-Its From The Box = Anxiety.  
  • Sweet Carbohydrates like that box of Donut Holes? = Completely overwhelming stressful day.  

Who emotionally eats ... lean meat and greens?  Just a thought.  (Although, I do know some raw veggie crunchers who do it out of anxiety.)


But, when approached with new food -- it's "Oh, I can't.  I need to have ___________ because everything else makes me sick/I don't like it/etc." 

These reactions ... SOUND JUST LIKE A WHINY CHILD.   Thanks, kids. 

It seems like we make up reasons for not eating good food.  I do it all the time, I physically react to a lot of foods, but at the same time, I really WANT to try new foods, so I repeat the process hoping that my reactions will change.  (Hello, green salads.  We have a love/hate relationship.)  I am entirely guilty of avoidance.  I will not touch a bazillion foods because they don't sit right, smell right, feel right or taste right.   Me?  "OMG, oatmeal.  NO.  NEVER.  A banana?  Are you kidding me?"  But, I can, eat pizza.  (That was tonight.)

I am ridiculous and I know it.  But, I think a lot of us ARE.

What do you think?   Are you ridiculous with your food? 

(Forgive me if this post is a mess, I am not editing, I'm going to bed.  I'll fix it in the AM.  I just had a fleeting thought while packing up cold pizza.)

HOT BUTTON - What Would You Do?

Two things here: This reminds me of the FOOD POLICE.  And, NO. KEEP YOUR MOUTH OUT OF MY BASKET.

We get enough guilt, degradation and food issues on our own.

KEEP YOUR FEELINGS TO YOURSELF, unless you ARE my RD, NUT or MD, KTHANXBAI!  Of which, I have none.  So, don't EVEN go there.  Don't mention my shopping cart, unless you are planning to purchase my groceries.

But, that said, admittedly, I shop "well" partially because I have to, and I know how to, and I have years of self-learning in such things, and partially because I am ENTIRELY aware that I am judged.  Me?  Yes.  Even if I have the urge to toss the two packs of Peppermint Oreos with the red dye #3432435r32 in my cart, I don't (usually, I fail though) because I Know Of What You Think.  No, this does not stop me from hurling two pounds of bacon or four pounds of various cheeses in there, but, it does stop the JUNK.

But, you're a normal size?  Yes.  I weigh 165 lbs, but my children are all overweight.  So, regardless of the fact that my cart today was filled with $300.00 of chicken, turkey, veggies, beans, rice, whole grains and zero calorie drinks?  I get The Look.  I have always gotten the look, and when you are the morbidly obese parent -- forget about it -- it's awful.  You can FEEL THE BURN of the eyes!

It doesn't matter what I am buying, I am judged.  Do. not. go. there.