Source - CJ
Did you catch the possible complications?
Did you?
Read it again.
I have NEVER seen it written this way. Never hypo as the FIRST complication and so "grave."
Welcome To ME, who has seizures every 1-3 days that began coincidentally with the onset of post RNY hypoglycemia but are NOT related.
I haven't been writing about hypoglycemia or seizures lately. I still have both. The hypoglycemia issues don't happen dramatically, EVER, that that's because I pretty much self-medicate with protein-fat-carb-protein-fat-carb all day long. If I eat straight up carb, I DIE. And, I can simply count minutes to crash, so I don't eat simple carbs, alone, EVER. If I want potato? It must be doused with fat and sided with protein.
That said, it still happens in baby crashes, just not anywhere near the dramatic lows I used to have. I would say that it's mostly because I have awareness of how to eat and when to eat. And, how to eat? Does not include: Skittles. LOL. I don't eat stuff like that, ever, unless I have.. say... BEEF in my other hand. ;)
The seizures -- happen every 1-3 days in a bad week. This past week, two. One the day before yesterday, and another a couple days before that.
Both partial complex seizures that I have only the memory of what happened RIGHT BEFORE the moment. Mr. was home during the first of last week's event - and he said I was on his computer, and stopped, starting typing crazy, looked away, stared off and said some crazy shit and hugged him. He doesn't really react any more, I tend to ask, "What did I do?" and he tells me "Well, you said XYZ, and then it was over." As do the kids. "Mama, you just had a seizure. Oh well."
The second, I felt coming, came and sat down here, was mid-Facebook update and hit send on a update full of typos. (I find them later.) I don't typically post anything with obvious blatant errors, even though I do not draft or edit anything I type, I try not to send out crazy 4i3qgrelgjslk;gj; stuff.