Posts categorized "VBlog." Feed

Freak the freak on.

Dear BTV -

These snarky-ass women  are the ones I met, and loved to begin with. Freak the eff on.  

"In this weeks episode of BariatricTV we kick things off in The Dumping Ground with an update on whats up with BTV. Then in Altered Reality we discuss the ofter heard saying “100 pounds gone forever!!!”

<3, MM

I blogged this before I watched the whole thing, ladies.  I love you in the non-stalkery way.  Thank you.  Finally.  

Oh. Yes. She. Did.

Hold the Press Releases, Suz!  

How do you go from not paying your taxes, failure to ship orders since 2011, closing your store, foreclosure, shutting down all communication to... THIS?

Continue reading "Oh. Yes. She. Did." »