Posts categorized "What the hell?" Feed

Honey Boo Boo Weight Intervention

Sometimes there are no words, yet there are so. many. words.  It's hard to choose them.

Why is this a story? Why is it relevant?

Regardless of your feelings of Mama June's "parenting" for what it is -- or isn't -- (or why it is vastly different than yours or what you grew up with) this child is quite typical of an American Child.

Maybe she's an American Child times twenty plus some considering her life has been under a media microscope since she was very small, and she has been brought up to act for the cameras.  What we see of this kid is so many of the things in our own children that are enhanced because cameras-in-her-face-act-more-goofy-we're-getting-paid for this.

And I know it makes you uncomfortable.  (I know it does.  That is why you watch it, or that is why you must comment about NOT watching because "That Poor Girl, Bless Her Heart!"  Shut up.)

Don't pretend she isn't realistic -- kids with overweight and obesity are quite the norm.  Even those with somewhat healthy, active lifestyles. 

I used to get comments about my youngest ... "She's just like Honey Boo-Boo."  I never really knew if those who said it meant that she was overweight, or hyperactive.  Because all of my kids are diagnosed overweight or obese

But I am not Mama June.

We do not eat like the Mama June household.    But, that said, overweight still occurs.  

I'd ask you to ask my youngest what her favorite food is.

It's gluten free organic vegan burritos.  Thank-you.  They are expensive, so if you'd like to send a case? PLEASE DO.  I think they're on my Amazon Wish List.  LMAO. 

But why is it that her childhood obesity is a "problem" for us and requires an intervention a la The Doctors?  Because the public consumed her lifestyle and promoted it by reality television?  This child's weight is not our business.  

A lot of it is probably our fault for promoting and exploiting it.  

Stop pushing reality television.  



Katie Hopkins: My Fat Story

Discovery -

Premieres Friday 2nd January, 9.00pm

Outspoken TV personality, Katie Hopkins has hit the headlines for her controversial views on obesity; insisting that fat people are lazy, saying that she would not employ someone who is overweight, and claiming that losing weight is easy. Earlier this year Katie hit the headlines again revealing her new three stone heavier figure. Sick of hearing people's excuses for being overweight and justifying Britain's obesity crisis, Katie had decided to prove her argument by piling on the pounds to experience being weight, before attempting to lose it again by simply eating less and moving more. This two-part special exclusively follows Katie through every step of her project, as she struggles to put the weight on and deal with her increasing size, and then as she loses the weight. Will she prove her point or will she have to eat her own words?

Probably not.  It's different in the UK right now, the National Health System is socialised medicine, and the patients have their weight-loss surgeries done "on the system" sometimes waiting a long time for treatment -- and people may feel differently about the care being done on the UK's dime.  

I suppose I'd have to watch it, and it's meant to be inflammatory.   I mean -- "FAT PEOPLE ARE LAZY."

Really.  Throw that out there and watch the reaction.  BAIT.  FLAME.  RAWR.

Would you watch?  What do you think?

The Biggest Loser Meltdown Moment

Did you watch this last night?

"I don't want you to go through what your dad has gone through." -Dr.

So -- you KNOW I am thinking it -- I probably yelled AT THE TV.

angry lego head

I would like to know what happened to Rob's dad after all this crying and freaking out with the shaming of the wheel-chair.  I hate when information about weight loss surgery is thrown out there to the general public like "this" without any context.

Biggest Loser, please explain.  I understand that the producers like to create 'breakthrough' moments with the contestants to get them motivated and moving forward and to tear off all excuses, but why create a stigma around weight loss surgery? 

A Tongue Patch For Weight Loss

A tongue-patch to lose weight.  

No, really.

"Dr. Chugay has recently begun performing a revolutionary weight reduction procedure, which he has dubbed the Miracle Patch.  This patch, when surgically applied to the tongue, produces a means to lose weight never before offered by other surgeons.

During a reversible procedure that takes less than an hour, the patient is fitted with a custom patch for the tongue which makes chewing of solid foods very difficult and painful, limiting the patient to a liquid diet. Under the direct supervision of Dr. Chugay and his staff, the patient is put on an easy to follow liquid diet, fulfilling all of their nutritional needs while at the same time minimizing caloric intake and maximizing weight loss results.

Recovery is rapid; and patients are typically able to return to work the following day."

I am intrigued and disturbed at the same time.

As a woman who had her stomach and intestines altered to lose more than 170 pounds I will not judge much (?) the above procedure's level of "OMG YOU DID WHAT TO YOURSELF!?!" because I have heard it all.

But how is this accomplished?  

The doctor takes a piece of mesh - the material used to repair abdominal hernias - and attaches it to your tongue.  Heck, you may already have this stuff inside you.  (Half my family does.  We're all patched together.)

This is supposed to make eating now so. unpleasant. that. you. stop.

You have surgical hernia (repair?) of the tongue.  (I see other uses for this.  Today.   Yes.)



I am not a psychologist, but I am a bariatric patient of nearly ten years and professional watcher of post op bariatric patients.  (That's my disclaimer, it's all you get.)  Rapid weight loss by behavior modification of "Eating!  Now Very Difficult And Painful!" can lead to some severe psychological eating issues later on.

Certainly if you're following the "rules of the tongue patch" it should work -- as as very low calorie liquid diet would.  But, add in the benefit of making food no longer a pleasant experience, you might as well add the cost of your therapists bill too.


After weight-loss surgery, new gut bacteria keep obesity away?


New York Times -

The research also suggests that a popular weight-loss operation, gastric bypass, which shrinks the stomach and rearranges the intestines, seems to work in part by shifting the balance of bacteria in the digestive tract. People who have the surgery generally lose 65 percent to 75 percent of their excess weight, but scientists have not fully understood why.

Now, the researchers are saying that bacterial changes may account for 20 percent of the weight loss.

The findings mean that eventually, treatments that adjust the microbe levels, or “microbiota,” in the gut may be developed to help people lose weight without surgery, said Dr. Lee M. Kaplan, director of the obesity, metabolism and nutrition institute at the Massachusetts General Hospital, and an author of a study published Wednesday in Science Translational Medicine.

Not everyone who hopes to lose weight wants or needs surgery to do it, he said. About 80 million people in the United States are obese, but only 200,000 a year have bariatric operations.

“There is a need for other therapies,” Dr. Kaplan said. “In no way is manipulating the microbiota going to mimic all the myriad effects of gastric bypass. But if this could produce 20 percent of the effects of surgery, it will still be valuable.”

In people, microbial cells outnumber human ones, and the new studies reflect a growing awareness of the crucial role played by the trillions of bacteria and other microorganisms that live in their own ecosystem in the gut. Perturbations there can have profound and sometimes devastating effects.

One example is infection with a bacterium called C. difficile, which sometimes takes hold in people receiving antibiotics for other illnesses. The drugs can wipe out other organisms that would normally keep C. difficile in check. Severe cases can be life-threatening, and the medical profession is gradually coming to accept the somewhat startling idea that sometimes the best therapy is a fecal transplant — from a healthy person to the one who is sick, to replenish the population of “good germs.”

Dr. Kaplan said his group’s experiments were the first to try to find out if microbial changes could account for some of the weight loss after gastric bypass. Earlier studies had shown that the microbiota of an obese person changed significantly after the surgery, becoming more like that of someone who was thin. But was the change from the surgery itself, or from the weight loss that followed the operation? And did the microbial change have any effects of its own?

Because it would be difficult and time-consuming to study these questions in people, the researchers used mice, which they had fattened up with a rich diet. One group had gastric bypass operations, and two other groups had “sham” operations in which the animals’ intestines were severed and sewn back together. The point was to find out whether just being cut open, without having the bypass, would have an effect on weight or gut bacteria. One sham group was kept on the rich food, while the other was put on a weight-loss diet.

In the bypass mice, the microbial populations quickly changed, and the mice lost weight. In the sham group, the microbiota did not change much — even in those on the weight-loss diet.

Next, the researchers transferred intestinal contents from each of the groups into other mice, which lacked their own intestinal bacteria. The animals that received material from the bypass mice rapidly lost weight; stool from mice that had the sham operations had no effect.

Exactly how the altered intestinal bacteria might cause weight loss is not yet known, the researchers said. But somehow the microbes seem to rev up metabolism so that the animals burn off more energy.

A next step, Dr. Kaplan said, may be to take stool from people who have had gastric bypass and implant it into mice to see if causes them to lose weight. Then the same thing could be tried from person to person.

“In addition, we’ve identified four subsets of bacteria that seem to be most specifically enhanced by the bypass,” Dr. Kaplan said. “Another approach would be to see if any or all of those individual bacteria could mediate the effects, rather than having to transfer stool.”

A second study by a different group found that overweight people may be more likely to harbor a certain type of intestinal microbe. The microbes may contribute to weight gain by helping other organisms to digest certain nutrients, making more calories available. That study was published Tuesday in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

The study involved 792 people who had their breath analyzed to help diagnose digestive orders. They agreed to let researchers measure the levels of hydrogen and methane; elevated levels indicate the presence of a microbe called Methanobrevibacter smithii. The people with the highest readings on the breath test were more likely to be heavier and have more body fat, and the researchers suspect that the microbes may be at least partly responsible for their obesity.

This type of organism may have been useful thousands of years ago, when people ate moreroughage and needed all the help they could get to squeeze every last calorie out of their food. But modern diets are much richer, said an author of the study, Dr. Ruchi Mathur, director of the diabetes outpatient clinic at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

“Our external environment is changing faster than our internal one,” Dr. Mathur said. Studies are under way, she said, to find out whether getting rid of this particular microbe will help people lose weight.


A friend posted on Facebook this morning -

"I just watched a news blip about a new teenage girl/young female obsession: the "thigh gap", ie: in order to be beautiful, you must have a large gap between your thighs when your knees are touching. It's one thing if your body is naturally made this way, but it's another to starve yourself to attain an unnatural shape. I can guarantee, no man every looked at Kate Upton, Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer, or Marilyn Monroe and thought: "Man, she's hot, but I wish she had more thigh gap."

Let me just say, in full disclosure, it looks much more desperate on grown-ass adult women.  Cut. it. out.

What's a Food Industry to Do? Yoni Freedhoff gets UNINVITED from food industry conference

What's a Food Industry to Do?

  • Doctor gets uninvited from food industry conference.   BECAUSE?  Of this video.
  • Here's what he would have said 
  • Dr. Sharma writes --  " Yoni Freedhoff posted a short video on YouTube, which has since gone viral (congratulations my friend!).  The gist of the story (but please check it out for yourself), is that Big Food is preying on kids by promoting unquestionably unhealthy processed foods with deceptive (not to say nonsensical) health claims.  But, as he hastens to point out, this is not the fault of the food industry.  Rather he puts the blame squarely on the shoulders of the politicians and regulators for not creating a level playing field for food producers, that sets clear boundaries to what they can and cannot do to promote their products (especially to kids!)."

Review - Before & After, Second Revised Edition: Living and Eating Well After Weight-Loss Surgery

Before & After, Second Revised Edition: Living and Eating Well After Weight-Loss Surgery


Regurgitated Self-Importance Now With More Hate! 

#malware #scam Bariatric Eating Susan Maria Leach Before + After BEHealthyDrinks + Book Release

Presented without commentary for your perusal.   

PS.  Susan, you might want to take back control of your social media.

Continue reading "#malware #scam Bariatric Eating Susan Maria Leach Before + After BEHealthyDrinks + Book Release " »

Bariatric Eating Media Tour is a-comin'! Can you feel the anticipation?

I am getting all tingly excited over the upcoming release of Susan Maria Leach's newly revised and updated book:  Before + After!  

"Susan Maria Leach maintains her new weight and devotes her time to motivating others to keep on track and sustain healthy patterns of diet and exercise not just for a short period after surgery but for life. She owns and operates and has opened her first nutrition store in Pompano Beach, Florida. Her company is a member of the corporate council of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery."


Check out -  its chock-full of helpful... malware?

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Check out the social media

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Screen Shot 2012-09-27 at 9.18.53 PM

So. excited.

Thanks BE!  You rock!

Oh. Yes. She. Did.

Hold the Press Releases, Suz!  

How do you go from not paying your taxes, failure to ship orders since 2011, closing your store, foreclosure, shutting down all communication to... THIS?

Continue reading "Oh. Yes. She. Did." »

Three months and one week later.


Three months and two months ago, I ordered two separate times from Susan Maria Leach's Bariatric aka BEHealthyDrinks aka SML Network.

Continue reading "Three months and one week later." »

Susan Maria Leach Bariatric Eating Doesn't Ship Orders, But Asks FOR REVIEWS. 93 days.

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Click to enlarge.

By now I've received my order -- nice assumption!  

After this debacle, you expect a product review to be left in my name under your web store?  

Feel free to link to my already written reviews of the Believe Protein Lattes!

Susan Maria Leach Bariatric Eating Ships NEW Orders - But not yours. 92 days.


Continue reading "Susan Maria Leach Bariatric Eating Ships NEW Orders - But not yours. 92 days." »

Bariatric Eating Susan Maria Leach Network has no email, no phone, zero communication!

Susan Maria Leach of repeatedly suggests on her business Facebook page that she's missing customer information and customer orders because of a  "fingerquotes" technical failure. "/fingerquotes"

However, she offers no apology, and has blamed some customers. - "...we have already posted info regarding the status of the website that we have maintained for over nine years and the tech problems that caused a lot of problems for the company and our customers. We are happy to answer questions about bariatric surgery and bariatric eating on Facebook as it is social media but we will no longer entertain the drive by bashing by people who have malice as chief intent."

This might suggest that customers should re-send their information to the business, to re-submit orders that should have been shipped months ago.  Or perhaps she might be open to communication?

Photo 4
Photo 4
That is if the EMAIL worked - I have emailed repeatedly  to various names with no response.  Yesterday's email - just bounced back -

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Or if the phone worked.   Call this number and tell me what happens to YOUR call.  

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  • You can't send an email.  
  • You can't leave a message.  

You try.  Let me know if ANY of these work for you!

Methinks she doesn't WANT communication.  

Day 91 and day 51. 

Bariatric Eating Susan Maria Leach Network in Foreclosure - Sorry, kids, you're never getting your money back.


Day EIGHTY NINE since I ordered from Bariatric Eating, and it became clear yesterday at 8:30am that I may never see my orders since Susan Maria Leach's business is now in various stages of foreclosure.

"If a property owner defaults on the payments of a loan a foreclosure of a claim of lien indicates a creditor may take legal action to acquire the collateral applied for the aforementioned loan. A number of states permit lenders to take possession of a property put up as collateral through strict foreclosure.

This means the lender may reclaim said property by declaring that the owner has missed payment/s on a loan. Other states need the lending entity to litigate and file a suit for foreclosure, and gain judgment prior to confiscating and selling off the property.

The amount attained from a foreclosure sale is primarily used to pay the associated debt, plus any related foreclosure expense. In case the proceeds are greater than the debt, the difference goes to the borrower. If the amount cannot cover the debt, a deficiency balance occurs. The lender may choose to go after other assets of the property owner.

They'll be taking the shelves, and I guarantee there is no product on those shelves to sell off.  BUT - If there's an auction sale, anyone want to field trip?

We all lose.  File a complaint with the FTC, you're never getting your product or your money back.

Thanks, SML

  • Gateway Lakes Commerce Center Association Inc v. Susan Maria Leach Inc 
  • Case No: COCE12013472
  • Filed in The 17th Judicial Circuit in and for Broward County Florida
  • On July 05, 2012, Gateway Lakes Commerce Center Association Inc filed a lawsuit in the 17th Circuit in and for Broward County Florida, County Civil East against Susan Maria Leach Inc.

SML will keep posting because her life is a bowl of cherries.  "There's nothing to see here, just move along, keep buying stuff!"


Call the popo, call the news. SML Susan Maria Leach Network Bariatric Eating Fraud

All orders from the old site are either shipping or being credited as per customer requests. We need info from some customers in order to proceed as tech meltdown affected database and have been privately dealing with our customers- all orders will be satisfied. We thank those who are actual customers for patience and kindness during our difficulties. We have been a real company for nine years and continue to be a real company.

Susan Maria Leach,

I have been asking for EIGHTY SEVEN DAYS, and even BEFORE THAT, for nothing more than communication and my two cases of Believe and box of protein bars.


Continue reading "Call the popo, call the news. SML Susan Maria Leach Network Bariatric Eating Fraud" »